Chapter 42

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We kept our bags in the back seat. After tons arguments with hyungs, who wanted to sit peacefully by the sea with their boyfies but their boyfies wanted to scream their lungs out on the water slides and rollercoaster. I watch in amazement the loving arguments. As the hyungs were tired already to lose everytime in front of lixxie and Minnie.

"So are y'all done fighting or should I say done with war by glaring at each other?" I asked going between them as they held their hands into a fist. While the hyungs stared beamingly.

"I think you don't love me anymore. If you did you'd have taken us to water park first. Even hannie has gotten only one day off. Lessgo please" lix pleaded pouting. As hyunjin hyung just enjoyed the view of teary kitten in front of him. Of course lix wouldn't cry real tears. Cuz he knew he'd convince hyunjin hyung by any trick.

"Oh, so you care about Han's work but not mine? Wow great" hyunjin hyung sarcastically shrugged.

"That's not what I meant. I do care about you. Cuz I miss you too much when you're working." Lixxie replied holding hyunjin hyung's hand lightly, innocence in his eyes.

"You never said that to me. Ofcourse I wanna be with you all the time. But I need to help hannie's dad right, so you and I can live with them." Hyunjin hyung said ruffling lixxie's hair. As lixxie just continued pouting.

Meanwhile Seungmin and Jeongin hyung were just watching them. When Seungmin saw Jeongin hyung watching lixxie cutely so he just squeesh Jeongin's cheek and got hit as an answer. "what?! Can't I behave cute with you too" Seungmin said now pouting.

"Shush. Can't you see your hyungs fighting here. Don't. Dare. Interrupt." Lixxie said and raised his finger as seungmin nodded.

Jeongin hyung and I bursted into a laugh as Seungmin pouted more. I swear I'm the most unluckiest and so is my soulmate. Where ever he is right now. Cuz he is missing most amazing couples triple date. We got everything. Funny, charming, sarcastic, hot, cute, bubbly. Every type of characteristics surrounded around.

"Oiii slipping in thoughts again. Mf just try to solve this matter." Hyunjin hyung saw me and snapped.

"Yeah, actually no. I don't wanna be your enemy and don't wanna take this bish side too. So I guess imma give you 5 seconds to decide. And if you can't. We go back home and freaking sleep. Or you boyfies can do whatever you want. Cuz I know sleep doesn't include in your dictionary" I snap at them glaring at seungmin and Hyunjin hyung. Only to recieve giggles of these four babies.

"What start now. 5..." I started countdown as they glared at each other.

"Water park!" Lixxie said.

"Beach!" Hyunjin hyung said.

"I'll give you a kiss if you say water park!" Lixxie shot a six that made the ball go Outta the fucking stadium as hyunjin hyung's eyes open wide.

"We're going to the water park!" Hyunjin hyung said without thinking twice. And lixxie giggled and danced taking my hand as I thought yeah. All the tops are fucking same. selfish Mfs.

"Where's my kiss?!" Hyunjin hyung roared as I, seungmin and Jeongin hyung started to sit in the car, not wanting to look at them making out.

But I stole a glance as Hyunjin hyung pulled lixxie's waist and slightly kissed him. Pulling away the next instant only to watch lix turned into a red Tomato waddling to the car and sat on the passenger seat. Hyunjin hyung scoffed and drived us to the water park. It was 4 in the evening already but it didn't matter cuz I hoped the day never ends today. I could give my soul away to experience this all over again and still half of our freaking hangout is yet to be enjoyed.

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