Chapter 29

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Minho's pov

Han has ordered me to sit. Sit at least 5 feet away from me. And now I just feel like hugging him right away. Just the thought of why did he run away after last night is messing my brain up. But then I gather the memory of last night.

I saw the secret room door open ...

And this definetly indicates that maybe Han would've opened the drawer too. That fucking Chan hyung .. I'll kill him. Why doesn't he do things properly.

I know Han probably hates me now. Hates me to that extent that he doesn't even want me close. And it's out of my reach to make it up now. It's too late. Woojin communicated with him and he'll now for sure believe his Woojin hyung's words more than mine.

But I gotta use this chance.

Han's pov

"Hannie, just please listen. Please don't go away with them." Minho said in a pleading manner.

"Give me a reason to stay then. Can you explain it all to me?" I shout out to him.

"I can't explain please, it'll be too much for you" he continues.

"So you think this ... This all going rn isn't too much? Wow." I say gesturing by my hands in air.

"I know hannie this is too much. But just think I was given a job. Please try to understand I was just ordered. I never expected to be this close to you, hannie. Never expected I'll fall in love and ruin the deal so bad" Minho is now lunging towards me he put his head on my lap and I guess he's crying too.

"You just used me, know. Just as everyone else did. I was just a toy" I say out sighing trying to wipe tears but he's holding my goddamn hand.

"No. Never in a million years I'd do that. I love you. I mean it. Just trust me. They'll just make you like them" Minho says.

"Oh and what about it then? Should I be like you ? Who uses people by trapping them and making them believe the fake words." I just say with my veins throbbing in my head.

"No. Please don't say things like this. Please. " Minho pleased.

"So you should just go away now. If you're not explaining it all to me, you're of no use " I say trying to push him away.

"So you'll just forget about the days we had. The nights we shared. The impossible to forget memories we made. Give me a chance please" Minho said cupping my face and his touch feels soft. But deadly now.

"Just go away before I start hating you more, leeknow" I say pushing his chest and watch as he trips a little and falls on the floor.

I don't give a damn about him now. So I just point at him to go out.

He does fortunately. And now I'm being discharged too. So I wait for lix to pick me up for dorm. But again. I see that douche driving his car in my direction.

"I'll just stay with you till tomorrow. If you in any way change your mind. " Leeknow said sliding down his window.

I think it over but now I guess it'll be just a day and I'll leave with Woojin hyung for Incheon tomorrow so leeknow won't be a pain in ass anymore. I hope this is gonna be a good idea. I'll have to tell everything to Woojin hyung about this so he takes some action against leeknow.

"Promise you'll just be quiet" I ask him to promise he does holds a pinky finger too but I don't.

"I promise now give me the bag" he asks and i ignore. Holding my bag I sit on the passenger seat and somehow try to start ignoring his existence. And Im pissed at his trying to be kind to me gesture like what the fuck he is he made up of.

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