Chapter 49

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    We watched in utter shock and disbelief after each and every word was being left out of Leeknow's mouth. How fucking dark can someone's past be. This was that moment of realisation that why he did and why he without any second thoughts obeyed whatever those bosses said. Why he was a pet. Why he was like a son to them. Or maybe they just used him whole time by giving fake affection...

     "After like 3 years of working i was seeing an amazing change. I bought my own house and mom was never so proud of me. Cuz she never knew what kind of work i was indulging myself in. I made her quit her job. But she still wanted to work somewhere and not be a burden to me. So she got a job of working at a supermarket. Days changed into years and i was therefore an expert in dark world businesses. They made me believe it's a good thing to work so smartly. But they never made me aware that I was inviting my long awaited death. People envied me. Envied my existence in just 5 to 6 years of my working. When I was a minor, they umm- even made me kill some people. Some borrowers or mafia men etc. Coz I would be just sent to child improvement centres and be released in some 2 months period. But after i attained majority, they made me a special man giving me load of work. To manage the factory outlets of illegal products, maybe even production of weapons under the name of clothing production. You don't even know. I had seen more men killed in real life than in movies. Those were the days where i had bundles of money but no peace to sleep. I was in constant anxiety that what if someone knocked at the door while my mom is sleeping. Now it's just I'm stuck in this loop. Which i selected myself. I'm dying and I choosed it myself" leeknow continued. His hands held in fists. Trying to drink water but not more than one sip he could take in.

    I couldn't help it , i just went to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He still not having the courage to look at me. I went ahead of him, held his back of head and hugged him. Not caring about what dad or hyungs will think. Just wanted to be his comfort zone right now. I felt my shoulder wettening. He was crying. My leeknow was crying.

     "Shush. Whatever happened, happened. You can't change it nor can I. Just cry it out. Where is she now?" I asked quietly calming him down. Rubbing his head.

     "It's been two years. I received a letter from her saying she somehow knows what business I'm into. And that my hands are all bloodied with innocent people's lives. So she wrote even if the day of her death occurs,she doesn't want me near. Hannie. Hannie- she abandoned me. I only had her. I miss her. I did everything for her. But i was too clueless. I'm sorry. I'm soo- so sorry" leeknow said trying not to sob badly but he was now. Sobbing like he'll die if he doesn't let the words out.

     "Shush. Don't cry. I understand. I'm not furious at you now. If that what you want to hear" i joked so that at least he'd stop crying.

     "Thankyou." Leeknow said and scoffed. Woojin hyung came ahead with tissues and just helped him wipe tears of as i rubbed his back and made him look like previous hottie Lee know.

     "I hope the things you just said are truth" dad said and leeknow looked at the machine. Not one red light was on. And this made me realise that I was wrong all along. I never gave him a chance to speak and that was my fault. I made him stay away from me for so long.

     "I'm sorry everyone. I never wanted to cause harm to Jisung. Everything i did was due to my fucking fucked up brain. I never thought It'd be so hard to be away from him." Leeknow said finally looking at me for one second and realising the love never was lost anywhere. It was just that we were hiding from each other  long that we thought maybe we'd forget each other's existence. But no. That's freaking impossible

     "Yeah that's fine. If hannie says so I'd cancel your funeral preparations " dad joked but with the straightest face possible. Woojin and Hyunjin hyung chuckled at this. Patting Leeknow's back. I just shook my head in disappointment (ofc he wants him dead)

     "I never heard hannie say that he wants me Alive" leeknow joked in return.

     "Hyung, bring my gun asap" i said and the whole room started laughing. "you bitch-" leeknow said and hugged me so fucking tightly that it was hard to breath. But i was ready to be breathless for him *visible smirk*

      "What the fuck are  you upto LEEKNOW!!" A voice growled behind us and scoups was visible outside the door. If dad's not killing leeknow today, scoups will definitely.

     "IT'S ENOUGH NOW!. I've had enough. I've decided I'm leaving your fucking business or whatever the fuck you're doing in the name of business." Leeknow yelled at him and looking at scoup's expression he's so shocked that maybe it's the first time leeknow ever raised his voice.

     "No way you can be leaving this shit. You know too much. You're a asset to us and will turn into a threatening liability if you fucking leave" scoups thundered with a thud on the table. Until his eyes went on the lie detector machine.

     His soul left his body.

     "As you may know. It's. too. Late. Mr Scoups. Leeknow has already described every damn detail of how you'd be now spending your days in a jail." Dad said finally being calm after getting his revenge. Seventeen reputation, honour, pride, etc every single thing is equivalent to sand particles now which get dispersed by a strong wind in seconds.

     "Sir no. Please my entire life's earning is in your hands.  I'm ready to give you anything. Anything you ask for. Please take away my life but don't bring us on road. M-my dad waited so long to see my here. He might be looking right now" scoups said looking up tears streaming down.

     "You should know this too that your dad was the one to teach you stuff like this. Illegality was in your blood since birth. You deserve what you're getting right now. Just get lost. I won't repeat but my gun will" dad said with a voice that could be heard metres away but still calm and firm.

      "I'll take him away. Please please d-don't cause us trouble, sir. Please we'd do anything to revive ourselves" i heard Mingyu hyung from back and he pulled scoups away while talking. He was that scared of his hyung getting killed.

      "We'll think about it, won't we Woojin?" Dad looked at Woojin hyung and asked.

      "Yeah" Woojin hyung replied. Smirking like he had the whole world in his hands. And it felt like he won at everything by winning against Seventeen group.

       Scoups and Mingyu hyungs left the room without any word. Dad cleared his throat "I'll be out now. But i want to talk to you han. Come with me" dad ordered  i just started to walk out of the room with him. While going through the corridor everyone's eyes were on us. Wanting to know what happened in the room. But what really happened in the room stays in the room as ordered by dad. Cuz I think maybe he'd ask for something really big from seventeen group. As a revenge. Revenge that he waited and that can give mom final justice she deserves.

      "I'd recommend not to be with him anymore." Dad suddenly started to say.

    "He's just too toxic. I know it were all situations for him but you were just a part of plan of those douches. I know his love makes you powerless but you shouldn't become brainless too" dad continued. 

     "I understand" i replied.

     "Don't think I'm a villian here. But i can't trust even a bit in them. I really thought the tears he cried right now were fake too" dad said.

     "I don't think so. Sorry to say things like this. But Scoups hyung was really sorry by his way of speaking. I mean I've never seen him so low before. He was a completely different person like he can die anytime for Mingyu or leeknow " i justified.

      "Don't let them brainwash you now. Its upto you now. Select between love for him or love for me" dad just said non chalantly like it meant nothing.

      "H-how can you literally ask me to choose? Don't you think it'd be so hard for m-me" i stuttered not trying to cry.

      I just walked away from dad not wanting to even look at him. And not at leeknow too. Cuz I knew how easy it would be for him to make me choose him




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