Chapter 11

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Crying session ended successfully .. and just instantly after that I felt a cold touch of something on my neck and I was shocked when I turned behind .

Minho was holding a cold drink bottle for me , came closer to me and whispered "Aw ,missed me kiddo , why sitting alone and bunking lectures like a naughty boy ?"

I was trying so hard not to cry too this sweet voice I begged and wanted to ignore at the same time.

I promised myself to talk to Minho the first chance I get .. but it felt impossible now to face those fierce eyes which were now magistic towards me.

I somehow picked my bag and tried running away from him .. he followed me and after a point pulled my bag and pushed me on the wall beside the pathway. I clashed on the wall with a loud thud.

He leaned in to be just an inch away from me and frowned .. he was mad I knew this from his expression .. as he was never violent towards me.

"Why the fuck are you ignoring me han , huh ?" He asked in angry tone. I stayed silent and looked towards the ground.

"I'm asking you something .. answer me goddammit !! I saw you in the canteen too .. but you just walked away talking to someone on phone !" I was surprised to know he saw me ... looking at him. Why is it all messed up !!

He again came close towards me after knowing I was not gonna speak up now .. he was few inches away from my lips .. his gaze not moving from my lips even for a second .. I knew I was in great trouble .

"I'm asking you for the last time .. whats the matter with you ?!!" Minho asked in a little calm voice than before.

"I-i don't k-know" I just gathered up the courage to say this.

"That clearly doesn't answer my goddamn question han !" Minho said .. pissed off.

"I-i think it's inappropriate." I said, making Minho confused.

"How's what inappropriate ?? Please fill me in with what you're scared of Han ..." Minho said in the most polite way.

"I just don't know what I'm saying right now .. please let me go and be at my own peace , I promise I'll come back later to clear this out ." I said trying to loose the grip of Minho's fingers on my wrists. But they didn't seem to let go off so easily.

"I'm never letting you go with such confused excuse. I know something's wrong with you .. let me help ??" Minho asked as he gently pressed a kiss on my forehead.

I felt the tears forming in my eyes . Never have I ever expected someone to know my thoughts without saying them .. but Minho has a Fuckin PhD in it.

"Minho hyung " i said .. "hmm "Minho only hummed in reply .. "Please trust me over this , whenever I'm ready I'll really talk to you about this. " I said. Minho sighed and backed off from the position letting me breath a little.

"Keep fighting till then .. kiddo !" Minho said and just walked away with a faint smile.

I knew I'd hurt him. But it was necessary to save myself from hurting .. or what I thought so ..

Next few days were a blur .. it was like I wasn't coming to college for any specific reason yet I was being tired most of time .. not feeling energetic enough like I was before meeting fierce eyes.

Felix and Hyunjin were as usual going on dates and stuff .. making me jealous as fuck .. coz I needed to have a boyfriend too .. and I guess I'd blew the opportunity by now.

Exactly a week later from the lakeside incident .. it was limit of my patience .. I needed Minho to get outta my head and by this I meant to go and tell me what's wrong with me .. so that he runs away .. I hope he does.

So the next day after completing classes I ran towards his club to find him . And saw him conducting a meeting or something with a group of people wearing same hoodies. I waited for him for like half an hour trying to make sentences in my mind to counter attack all of Minho's points.

Coz I knew it was impossible to even speak when he's so goddamn close.

After a while the door opened and the group fled out leaving just Minho and his best friend Jeongin. God now I know the who tf is this Jeongin and why the hell he so close to Minho. Because they ve been together as long as anyone can remember. Same school , same college , same University ,blah blah .. I hope they don't Marry the same person for goddsake .. not that I'm concerned.

Few minutes later when they weren't in a mood to come out. I went inside and called "Minho I needed to talk to you about something " I said to which Jeongin replied teasingly looking towards Minho , "Finally the wait is over .. okay okay I'll give you some privacy !!" He smirked and left the room .. leaving just me and Minho behind.

"What wait was he talking about Minho ?" I asked. "Don't act so clueless han "Minho said slightly teasing me. I felt a little confused by Jeongin's tone. I felt I was a part of a much bigger picture here.

"Anyways what was it you wanting to tell me .. or was it just a excuse to meet me ??" Minho asked brushing his shoulder to mine while sitting next to me

"Why'd I want to meet you and why do you think it's the fact that only I'm making efforts here. ??" I said and the arrows of my words had successfully made way through Minho's heart. I could see his eyes turn into dull lifeless ones.

"It's not like that han , you were the one asking for sometime to clear out thoughts. So I didn't feel the urge to make it worse to be honest. "Minho said as he took my hand in his. The warmth making the atmosphere light and steady.

"But didn't you think of me once about why did I not speak to you for a whole freaking week , was I too in your way of everything ??" I said snapping my hand out of his. Because now it needed to be cleared out for my own sake.

"I don't understand where's all this going han .. please make it simple for me. I need to be there for you .. not the opposite where you are mad on me and I'm clueless. "Minho said.

"It's too late now .. I just wanted to tell you that ... You can just be free from now on .. please forget that I even existed till now. And I'll too think that you were some mid summer night dream .... Something beautiful but impossible."I said wiping off tear on my cheek.

Minho was confused as fuck about what and where did he go wrong. I don't blame him .. I don't blame myself .. I just blame circumstances and timings of our collision.

"I just want to know, han.. is this all you want to say yourself or did you listen to someone talk about me and made assumptions ?? " Minho asked now sitting at least a feet away from me.

"Just think that that person was me and I did that for my sake. " I said.

"That still doesn't answer my question han " Minho said trying to wipe my cheeks which were now all watery.

"It doesn't matter now Minho. You are like a fish upon the sky for me " I said. Pulling Minho's hand away from my face.

"What does that even mean .. or should I assume that means out of league in this case we struggling on ??" Minho asked.

"Kind of , yes .. okay then I guess I talked about it and I need to feel lighten but I'm not .. but I guess a lunch with lixx might help .. so byee I'm leaving. " I said and shrugged a little and picked my backpack to leave.

"It's not gonna be so easy to leave kiddo. " Minho said and before I could even realise that .. I was pulled by my bag and pushed on the table with Minho on top of me. As if he was trying not to let me go in any possible way.

"What the fuck are you upto Minho ??" I asked quite furiously.

"Well wait and you'll see .. "Minho said as he removed by bag and unexpectedly hugged me tight.

"Minho hyung please don't do this. " I said .. more like begged to him not to hurt me more.

But I know Minho wasn't going to stop now .. without even noticing he just pressed his plump lips on mine and kissed me till the air in the whole fuckin room was gone. Never letting me go for a second and kissing me from almost every angle possible. I didn't let go now too I knew probably we'd maje it work now that he was so dedicated towards me.

His lips were the reason I stayed there and he knew this .. so he never stopped.

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