Chapter 77

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         It was gonna be Christmas Eve tonight and they were upbeat for it. Together trying to figure out if the tree was too big or too small or too shabby or too perfect for the room. It was gonna be decorated in Jisung's house. Hyunjin and Minho along with chan hyung brought all the decorations in and gave them to Felix the boss. Even jisung didn't argue as he knew lixxie would win the title.

          "I don't know any of them except for ji. I don't fit here" suddenly Oh Sehun's voice was heard in the room as Woojin pulled him by his hand inside. "hey.. hyung! How are you?" Jisung exclaimed. "I'm good and you?" Sehun asked in return. "Aju nice!" Ji said as everybody laughed "so introduce him, hyung" ji teased as Woojin cleared his throat. "this is my husband, Oh sehun" Woojin said everybody softened at the sight of Sehun holding woojin's arm like a small kid who got lost in between strangers. "y'all are cute" seungmin exclaimed. "yess we are" Sehun said as he stole a kiss of woojin's cheek.

         "When did y'all have your wedding? And why weren't we invited?" Lixxie said pouting. "well it was a month ago. We just did a short court marriage, not very happening one. I just wanted it to be simple that's it. With dad, his parents, Sungie, hyunjin and us that's it" Woojin said as everybody nodded. "that's true too. You must be focusing on Me Jaywon's reputation " Chan said as Woojin pressed his lips into small smile and just nodded. "dad was really unhappy. And obviously to get this kind of surprise from his son that he's gonna get married with or without his presence was real shock to him. But he gave in last moment and was present " Woojin said.

         "Take a chill pill. All's well that ends well" Jisung said as he was crushed in the hug between Sehun and Woojin. "aw shut up cutie" Sehun said chuckling.

           "Now help us. You couple" ji ordered as they all had a great time around 4 hours of restless struggle to get everyone's idea on the Christmas tree and at last lixxie letting his idea win by being the decider himself.

            "It's 7 pm already. Should we eat some cakes now? I'm hungry" seungmin said as he was pulled away by the table where cheesecakes and pastries were kept. "dad is gonna be here. And after the elders visit, y'all can have them" lixxie ordered as seungmin just sat pouting besides Jeongin. "I'll bring something for you" Jeongin said as he went and brought too many juices and gave each to everyone. "your boyfriend is sweet" Woojin said teasing seungmin. "ofcourse he returns the care taken sometimes." Seungmin joked.

           After a while every elder visited and complimented the Christmas tree. All the decorations and the gifts were kept on the occasion of secret santa and everybody was awaited that when Jisung's dad goes away with his friends, they'll attack on the gifts.

            "So nobody knows who gifted what to whom?" Changbin asked when they were left alone and the childern had taken the choclates and their respective gifts away. The only children left were Excited felix, confused Changbin, cheerful Jisung and prankster seungmin. Woojin being the one awaited one to leave the place and go away but he also wanted his gift. 

          "I guess we should start.. kim seungmin you can go first you're the youngest" felix said as seung went upto the tree and picked up the one with his name on it "ddaeng! It's mine" he said excitedly. When he opened it, it was a silver mic with baseball jersey's designed on it. "fuck... This is the best one" he said as he was happy.

         "Next... It's meh!" Lixxie paced exclaiming and eyeing hyunjin to know if he brought the gift for him. He opened it and found a box of brownies of eight different colours "eight is fate?" He said as everybody laughed.

          "Next... Han Jisung the ace" lixxie said as ji walked up and held his gift carefully as quite it was. "y'all gifted another jisung to him?" Seungmin joked. As he opened and got the softest and cutest plushie. It was a qoukka plushie with clothes that were similar to Jisung's once date outfit. "oh i know who my secret santa is.. " jisung said as he paced to Minho and hugged him with the plushie in between. "i love this" he said as Mino kissed his head. "I'll never miss you.. now that i have this" ji joked as minho just said "too bad i can actually return this anytime" and ji hit his arm.

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