Chapter 46

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I dress my level best today. Just as the first day when I got introduced in dad's company. The greater growth I felt in this damn 2 and half months is incredible. And the motive of today is more incredible. I'm so proud of my brain. And my friends to support me in this.

We're the first ones to enter the meeting hall, where a long table has everyone's names written in it. I see my name after dad's and Woojin hyung's ... Han Jisung. Written in a diamond plated handwriting.

If I did anything till now, any obstacles that I faced, I faced it for this, this fucking recognition. The recognition that Minho took away by coming in my life. That he took away at the party. Where everyone was asking and saying inappropriate things about why are Han Jisung and Lee Minho dissapeared at the same time.

Taeyong somehow tells them to change his seat from beside his dad to beside me. I smile at this gesture. He pats my head to say I should keep fighting. "I just want this to be over" I whisper to Taeyong.

"What. No! Just enjoy his pitiful expression for the whole time I'll be beside you. I'm so gonna enjoy this" Taeyong said sliding his hand over my waist and at the same time door opens and there they are ... Scoups, Mingyu and Lee know. His sight turned to me and I watch as his eyes grow wide open seeing Taeyong so close and his hand on my waist.

I can see him clenching his jaw and fist. This game is gonna be amazing.

We wait for a few minutes. I never turn my eyes in front. Where they are seating exactly opposite us. I always keep my eyes towards the big screen and sometimes when Taeyong says something. But by the corner of the eyes I see Minho's reactions and he's definitely not happy to be here.

We wait as the whole table fills in by suited people. The main man behind this important meeting is none other than my dad. So he's at the main middle chair with his mic on point as he speaks. "Hello and good morning ladies and gentleman present here in this important business meetup. I'm glad to be hosting this as the best group will be selected to be the one to develop the arena, not a simple one, but the biggest in the whole country of South Korea. As you all know the deal was finalised by my group but due to unwanted circumstances or should I say .. unwanted people" dad literally point over to the Seventeen group and crowd burst laughing. Minho and his bosses look down guiltily as scoups speaks up angrily but in calmed voice "Sir. Stay on the topic please" and dad just nods.

"So due to those circumstance we'll here take up votes of majority and see who is capable to have the contract. Am I clear?" Dad asked boldly as if the question was just for Scoups. The crowd said yes sir in collision. I take this chance to make Leeknow jealous for a bit as everyone is waiting for the groups presentation over the idea of arena infrastructure. I lean as if I'm asking something to Taeyong were he just giggles and pinches my cheek. Next thing I know I can feel Taeyong's hand on my thigh that's visible to the opposite sitting people too through the clear table. So Minho clearly sees that and loudly thuds the table glaring at me. My dad yells at his inappropriate business behaviour. He replies "I'm sorry but we have better things to do. So y'all just need to speed up the presentation" and dad is so not happy to hear this. Dad furiously said "hey young man, you're welcome to just get the heck up and leave if you got better important things to do"

"I'm sorry sir" was the only thing leeknow replied as he was being angrily looked at by his bosses.

Dad started our presentation and Woojin hyung continued it leaving the conclusion part for me. As I walked up to the screen with confidence and without thinking that anyone was looking at me,spoke up my part and received a round of applause. Everyone liked our presentation and we were sure it'd be a easy win.

Next Seventeen group was to present and after our bars were set high, they actually didn't do such a great explanation and it was like they only were confident in challenging us but not at actually winning.

Next 2 more groups presented and that were far better than Seventeen. We wait for the final voting as everyone is focused on their screens to choose from the 4 options. I look over to leeknow now only to see his eyes on me. He winks at me. As he gestures the index finger of his right hand. To show the first option. That is my group. I watch this in awe. The results finally come out and it's like Jaywon group has won but only by one point against the third company that was King's group. One point. One vote. His vote ...

Dad and Woojin hyung are celebrating as I see Hyunjin hyung entering too to congratulate me. But I'm not in my senses right now. Just guilty of I won because of ... him. Fucker.

He fucking did it on purpose. I just pull Taeyong's hand in front of his eyes and barge through the door. And I'm damn sure leeknow will follow. I hear Woojin hyung call my name but gave up easily. All the men were busy discussing with dad so no one was present outside. When I feel Minho's eyes on me from the closed doorway. I pull Taeyong into a kiss. A kiss that is passionate and is solely for leeknow to see crystal clear. I hear his footsteps coming towards me and thuds on floor and next moment I know I'm being pulled away from Taeyong and Taeyong is pinned to wall, hands grabbing collar, by leeknow.

I fight him pleading to leave Taeyong as he's choking under the pressure as leeknow just continue the eye contact with me and pulls him upwards on the wall. Making him breathlessly numb. Taeyong just gives up and stares at leeknow cursing with red eyes swollened in just seconds.

"For godsake leave him" I plead as I know he'll maybe try to harm me. And I don't wanna harm Taeyong more.

"Shutup. This is for being close to him." Leeknow says punching him in stomach.

"This is for your hand on his waist and thigh" he says punching him twice.

"This is for kissing him" he says punching with all his strength and I watch him being pulled away now by Woojin hyung. Who's furious as hell and can kill leeknow any second.

"WHAT THE FUCK are you doing leeknow?!" Scoups yelled at leeknow grabbing his collar and jerking him to bring him back to senses.

"Something that needs to be done" leeknow replied glaring at Taeyong who's now dripping with blood at the edge of mouth. The punches were hard.

Woojin hyung takes Taeyong to the first aid room supporting him fully. As dad is totally furious. I hear faint scoldings to leeknow and they are death threats in short by dad.

Scoups is fighting to take leeknow back to the house but dad is not letting go off his collar. Not till he takes revenge of his son.

Woojin hyung comes back rushing and tells dad "he's in serious condition. Lot of saline bottles are now needed. This fucker nearly killed him"

"And so shall he reap. You'll have to take the burden of your pet's wreckings. This is finally a full stop to our business transactories." Dad firmly said bringing a small paper and writing something on it and signing. Giving the paper to Scoups as he watched in disbelief about how ruined he'll be once he signs this paper.

"Sir. He's sorry. Please don't just ruin Seventeen group like this. He's sorry for what he did to Taeyong, son of your business partner" Scoups pleaded and this is the first time me seeing him this hopeless. This powerless. All the expectations of furious and dangerous Scoups are now vanished in my mind. Never in my fucking life I've heard that Scoups said apologizing to anyone. But today is going to be written in history.

"SIGN THE FUCKING PAPER, MISTER!" Dad storms at him shouting. Throwing the paper at him as he shakingly lifts it up and removes pen to sign. He scribbles something and gives it back.

"Sir one chance. Please" it's Mingyu this time to plead and now I'm so proud of how crazily scared everyone is of my dad.

"Fucking get out! ALL OF YOU!" Dad shouted and everyone dispersed. But he pulled Leeknow's arm and jerked it towards him letting him clash the wall.

"You'll stay here for a talk with me, young man" dad ordered and I see leeknow shaking in terror.

This was no way included in my plan but yeah here we are. (Gonna invite each one of you to Leeknow's funeral)

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