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Riu ( rotxo) was a very sweet girl and had become friends with the Tonowari and ronal sons, she had always been helping out everyone in the village and kept a cheerful smile on hr face after all she had been threw. She would always help Ao'nung and tsyerio when they were trying to speak their mind to their parents, she was very close to her people always willing to help out those who need the help. Soon life that home had changed when the banshee had arrived from the mountains she had went to see them with her friends she had thought they were amazing.

Riu " hello" riu had gotten some of the attention of the older kids as they smiled at looked at her but one of the boys looked at her and did nothing

Tsyerio " you seem to be friendly"

Riu " they all seem nice and I think they tokru Makto"

Tsyerio " I think you are right"

Ao'nung "newcomers have arrived "

Riu " yes and they seem nice"

Ao'nung " we have to see what they wants " Tonowari and ronal had talked with Jake and his mate Neytiri as their family and friends waited behind them, everyone was listening to see what will happen next.

Tonowari " the Omaticaya clan will be saying here my children will help teach Jake Sully kids"

Ao'nung:" as you wish father"

Tonowari " good"

Riu " it will be fun you and tsyerio will be amazing teachers"

The next day

Tsyeio " riu come over here" tsyeio walked toward the girl and grabbed her hand soon pulling her away, and walking toward sully family Mauri pod.

Riu " what going on"

Tsyerio " father has mentioned you as third teacher you and nice and will be helpful now come on, we can't keep them waiting"

Riu " sure"

Ao'nung " good you got here now come on"

Riu " ......" They had soon reached the families home riu was standing from the back as she watching from far away.

Tsyerio " this is riu she our friend she will be helping us with you all"

Neteyam " hello we saw you on the beach you were the only one that smiled and waved at us"

Ao'nung " yes that riu always being nice to everybody around her, she will be a nice teacher"

Riu " are you already"

Lo'ak " sure"

Riu " super"

Tsyerio " we are going swimming today come join us"

Kiro " okay it seems like fun"

Riu " you will be amazed by the beautiful creatures underwater some of them are friendly"

Tuk " yeah lets go" soon the three Metkayina teens had dived underwater and were followed by the newcomers shortly as well, the Omaticaya kids were having a hard timebretahing under water.

Riu " we are missing kiro"

Everyone "kiro"

Riu " don't worry I will go find him and I will bring him to the rock, I will caught up"

Ao'nung: " are you sure I can come with you"

Riu " I'm good don't worry about your brother I will find him" the three Omaticaya kids were going to ask more questions but riu was soon gone looking for kiro underwater, she was hoping he was okay under water and not in danger. When she found him swimming around and having a good time she soon swam over to him getting his attention he seemed to be fine with it, as the two soon head up to the surface.

Riu " I wonder by aunt need me to stay back that long anyways... I hope I'm not that late" Riu was walking rocky shores trying to reach where everyone else was, she had been asked to stay behind for five or ten minutes. She was looking at the ground below her making sure she stayed away from the sharp rocks as she didnt need to step on any of them, making her head back to village and getting help.

???? " hello young one"

Riu " oh hello there" riu had looked up to see older male na'vi standing there she was now standing up straight as she was looking the newcomer in the face.

??? " my name is Oee and I'm looking for the Metkayina clan"

Riu " well Oee you have found the Metkayina clan my I ask you what your business is with my clan"

Oee " well young one I'm the upcoming chief of my clan and I came to speak with Tonowari and Jake Sully, and see if we can be allies"

Riu " oh okay I can lead you to them they are not far from here"

Oee " thank you" riu had guided Oee to where everyone else was working on some spearing tossing she had gotten to know Oee and his clan and they seemed friendly.

With the others

Jake " I don't me to sound rude but I and my family have noticed on how some of the clan is protective of riu"

Tonowair " ......"

Neteyam " we have seen you sons do that as well they are always watching her, even due it seems like she can keep herself safe"

Ao'nung " well she has become very close to us, almost like family fully "

Kiro " what of her family ... we seen them"

Tsyerio " we can't tell right now riu will be here and if she hears then she will wont like it, she hated make outer worry about her"

Tuk " hey riu over here" the group had looked up to see riu show herself but she stopped soon enough a older male na'vi showed himself they seemed to talking but they stopped when tuk called riu name.

Ao'nung " father"

Tonowari " boys get riu I will deal with him"

Riu " Tonowari the newcomer Oee had ran into me on my way here and he said he wish to speak with you and Jake Sully"

Tonowari " that good you are free to go kids enjoy some time off"

Kiro "hey let's go swimming there something I want to show you riu"

Riu " sure let's go" the kids seemed happy as they took off once they were gone Tonowari was pointing his spear at the Oee like he wanted to kill him for some reason shocking Jake.

Oee " long time no see Tonowari

Tonowari " why are you here Oee you know you are not wanted here so why have you come"

Oee " I came to see my daughter can't a dad see his child and the clan is former mate was apart of"

Tonowari " why have you come now and last time I remember you disowned her when she was baby"

Oee " I came here to make amends I want to see her I'm here father"

Tonowari " a father is something you are far from"

Jake " so you are Riu father"

Oee " yes I'm"

Tonowari " I said you should leave before ronal find out and she make you meet eywa for good"

Oee " fine I will leave I mean not harm bye for now Tonowari tell ronal I say hello as well" Jake was told of the story when the guy was gone, even now he knew why Tonowari hate this man even he was starting to hate this man as well. When him and Tonowari told ronal of the new she was made Neytiri had been told of the story from ronal and riu aunt as she had many questions about the girl, Neytiri felt bad for the girl. She was so kind but her father was not a good man and he had caused so much damage for riu, her family, and the clan.

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