Untitled Part 3

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Daxton met Tristian's parents.

He was so nervous.

Tristian has two dads- Mr. Neil and Mr. Kith.

Tristian has had to deal with so much hate because he has two dads.

When he came out as pansexual, people wanted to blame his dads for it saying they made him this way or raised him this way.

Both his parents came from very straight families.

He remembers as a kid getting into trouble for saying he has two dads because people thought he was lying.

He remembers the fatherless comments- someone said fatherless behavior to him once.

He didn't know what that meant 

"But I have two dads."

When he wore a more fem looking shirt to school in high school once someone asked him how his father reacted to it his respond was "Well one of my dads said it was a cool shirt."

When asked how his mother would react to stuff he wears or does.

"I have two dads I don't even have a mother."

His dads aren't like the early two thousands to early twenty tens media portray of two dads where one is loud and over the top treated like a mom while the other one is more casual and less showy.

People are shocked when they meet his dads because they don't act like media stereotype of guys like them.

His parents can be over the top sometimes but so can straight couples.

Mr. Kith owns a auto parts store and Mr. Neil works as at nursing home as one of the nurses there.

Mr. Neil is buff while Mr. Kith has a dad bod and tattoos.

Tristian is the youngest of six boys.

His parents didn't plan on six children this just kind of happened.

Also there was no abortions or we must have boys moments- they just happened to have six sons.

Tris entire life he has deal with some sort of crap.

He's a pansexual Japanese guy with two dads.

He use to get mad fun of when parents or grandparents would pack bento boxes in his lunch.

He had squid and lotus root once and someone made fun of him for having it.

Now squid is a food people want to eat.

Cinnamon and SpikesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora