Untitled Part 57

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Gabby started crying once that red hat guy kept bothering her parents, his wife was no better.

She was yelling at people.

The couple were asked to leave.

Everyone went back to what they were doing.

Later on .

Tristian thanked his friends and Daxton for coming.


A week later Julie came from work and was invited to his aunt's birthday.

Gabby will be going with him.

Jess couldn't come because he had a big show to work on - it one he's acting in.

He manage to audition for something- he's not doing any roles that involve kissing but his role involve him fighting in a battle.


Some of Julie's male cousins basically kept asking him when was he going to start dressing like a man.

His respond was "I dress like a man, fabric has no gender what are you scared that someone might question your masculinity because you have a dress on  ."

Anyway while he was holding Gabby, she got up and started walking.

He got his phone and filmed it to show Jess when he got home - this was a normal thing for parents to do.

His background on his phone is of him, Jess and Gabby that someone took for them.

Jess has the same photo on his background.

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