Untitled Part 6

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Daxton woke up to the sounds of kids yelling.

He's not use to this- he has one nephew but his sister lives in Vegas so he only gets to see three out of the four siblings he has.

Daxton has three older sisters and a brother .

He's the youngest.

He has a cousin who had to do so much for her little brother that she's childfree.

Daxton is also intersex- he can get someone pregnant but also get pregnant himself.

He's had to deal with people believing that guys like him don't exist which sucks.

Because he has to deal with people not taking his cramp seriously because he's a man.

A guy he use to date made fun of him for it so that sucks.

Also high school sucked because of this.

But he's in a better place now.

He has friends who care about him and a wonderful boyfriend also he's majoring in something he loves.

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