Untitled Part 109

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 Julie was coming home from work.

He had to get his outfit ready for his cousin's wedding.

Julie gets along with all but one of his female cousins on both sides and four male cousins.

Too many people assumed him dressing fem and having long hair was a phase then they saw him recently and only thing that changed was his weight.

The dress he plans on wearing is pink- he's in the wedding.

His cousin was getting remarried to someone else since her ex was a jerk who bullied her a lot.

Julie was going to be in that wedding but the groom said no unless he wore a suit, his cousin told him he doesn't have to.

This time around he's in the wedding.

The colors are silver, purple and pink.

The bride likes silver and her groom likes purple.

Julie was trying on his dress to see if it fits.

it fits on perfectly on him.

All of the bridal party was wearing pink dresses with silver heels all their accessories were sliver, they all had pink roses.

He brought the dress, shoes and all the stuff he needed while he went to his cousin's house the next day.

They were going to the bachelorette party.

Julie is a cis male but ever since he was a kid, he always hung around his girl cousins since they had more in common even his most mas presenting girl cousins had more in common with him then their male cousins who had a similar style of dress that they had.

He did have male family members and some female family members who would tell him to go play with his male cousins.

Julie would want to play Sailor Scouts and his male cousins would rather wrestle.

Julie didn't think that was fun also Julie always ended up winning because he was stronger and taller- Julie was the tallest of his cousins and his male cousins didn't think that was fair that their feminine male cousin could beat them in a fight.

He stopped being told to play with his male cousins and he went back to playing with his female cousins.

Julie had to deal with those same male and female adult family members asking his parents will they ever teach him to be a man since his brothers act like typical boys minus the toxic behavior society expects boys to act.

When Julie played hockey and lacrosse that was the only time those family members left him alone- he started playing both hockey and lacrosse when he was eight, he was very good at those sports, he could of gone pro with lacrosse but chose not too.

Julie knows how to use tools, he knows how to be a father and he know how to be a man.


They wear eating food and having fun.

It was all on this wedding package thing.

Someone there who saw Julie there with the girls asked why did they have a man with them for this and that he should go home.

"I'm in the wedding, Darla invited me here. "Said Julie.

Then they went back to what they were doing.

Julie hated when people would ask certain questions- like why are you wearing a dress, why are you Jewish, why are you gay, are you a girl, why are you buff, why can't you be like other guys, why can you be manlier, why is you name Julie.

It bothered him a lot.

Julie is a cis man who likes wearing dresses, getting his nails done and he loves baking but a lot of men hate that because they are confused as to why a man would willingly do stuff they deemed just for girls.

End of flashback.

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