Untitled Part 111

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Two days later.

Tristian wasn't allowed in the room.

Daxton was being cut open and surgery was being performed because his body was freaking out.

When he finally was allowed in after Daxton woke up.

"Hey babe how are you feeling. "Said Tristian.

"Good who are you, don't flirt with me I'm married  ."Said Daxton.

Daxton was on a lot of pain pills.

"I know that I'm your husband. "Said Tristian.

"Really ? "Said Daxton confused.

"Yes really ."Said Tristian.

"That's awesome how long have we been married. "Said Daxton

"Along time we also have a daughter. "Said Tristian.

"That's awesome. "Said Daxton.

Daxton went back to sleep as he looked tired.

When he was finally fully awake.

"Hey how are you feeling now. "Said Tristian.

"Good. "Said Daxton.

A nurse came in with a green colored blanket.

A little wrinkly baby started crying then was placed in Daxton's arms.

Their son was here.

This baby looked like him but had some of Tristian's facial feature- but if you had their two kids in a room together you could tell they were siblings.


Julie was opening a gift someone got him, his birthday was coming up so one of his coworkers got him a gift.

It was a garden gnome.

Normally someone into cottagecore would like gnomes, Julie doesn't like gnomes because he's Jewish and basically gremlins, goblins and gnomes are anti-Semitic.

He told the person who got it for him that he's grateful for that they thought of him but he can't accept this gift.

When asked why he said "Gnomes are anti-Semitic and I'm Jewish, one of my roommates had a garden gnome a while ago and I never said anything about it but when I finally did they got rid of it.

Also why he wouldn't allowed Daxton to have anything Golden Retriever related in the house because Alt Right people ruin golden retrievers and that made Daxton sad because Golden Retrievers are his favorite breed of dogs because they are so silly, granted he likes all dog breeds.

It's also why Jess got rid of any be patient I have Autism stuff because he saw a bigot wearing one who said some messed up stuff and said they had Autism so you can't be mad at them.

This is also why Daxton got rid of any elf stuff he owned because we can't have nice stuff in this world.

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