Untitled Part 114

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Daxton was laying down.

His body was still healing right now .

The name they chose for the baby was 

Rory Christopher Pham.

Christopher because it's the name of one of Tristian's dads- Kith real name is Christopher.

When Rory was brought home from the hospital.

His sister Vivi wanted to play with him- she's now seven.

"He's too little to play with you. "Said Tristian.

"Oh well that's okay I can wait until he's big then we can play all the time. "Said Vivi.

Tristian loves his family and wouldn't change this for the world.

Anyway when everyone was home now.

"I was helping my family making stuff for homeless people on the island. "Said Eden.

"That's nice can I help you. "Said Kora.

"You may. "Said Eden.

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