Untitled Part 14

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The next day they were talking about what happened but then changed the subject to something to pleasant.

"I got disable funding and a accommodations also my mom got me these headphones that block outside noise. "Said Jess pointing to his headphones.

Jess hopes to one day get married but sadly that won't happen- he could lose so much if he got a good job and got married.

Jess will just do backstage work and have a life partner for the rest of his life.

He might never have kids because he would lose his disable check because of that.

It sucks a lot but it's something disable people sadly have to deal with.

"I can never get married, get a good paying job or have kids but I have these headphones to help me with my noise sensitivity . "Said Jess trying to stay positivity .

None of them could afford to buy a house on their own but then they forgot about Jess.

He's disabled and all the stuff they can at least try to get/can do he's unable to do that.

But it will be okay because he has people who care about him.

Speaking of caring something happened.

Vance's parents came down unexpectedly and wanted him to come back home.

They assumed him being gay was phase.

"I'm not going anywhere. "Said Vance.

"I blame these freaks you call your friends for this. "Said Mr. Spiros.

"You use to be straight before you hung around these creatures. "Said Mrs. Spiros.

"I was never straight also these so called 'freaks' and 'creatures' are my family, they and Victoria accept me unlike you two who want me to be something I'm not. "Said Vance. 

"Why would you hang around these people. "Said Mr. Spiros.

"Because I like being around them, I'm not you some business man in a loveless marriage who fights with spouse, I'm some who likes taking photos, I like playing the tuba, I like music, I like guys and I'm gay you can't change me you can try but you're always fail . "Said Vance.

Then Vance said "Me working hard in school to get a full ride was so you two could never threaten to stop paying for my college, you can't even make that threat because you're not paying for it also it was so I'll never have to ask you guys for money ever again. "

"Remember this if you chose these people over your family then you can never come back home. "Said Mr. Spiros.

"Like I said before my friends and my sister are my family, these seven guys are my family. " Said Vance.

Then he said "Also before you say something about god guess what I'm a agnostic atheist I don't even believe in any gods but also believe that we don't know for sure if a god exist, one of my friends is Hindu and one is Jewish I may not believe in gods but I still respect their faith unlike dad's Christianity is the only true religion way of life . "

Vance got punched by his dad but then he pushed his dad.

"Get the hell out of my life. "Said Vance.

His parents left and he was no longer apart of their family but it's okay.

He has a family- his friends and his sister are his family.

If any of his other siblings are supportive of him then they join in.

Vance's friends and his sister found out what happened.

Everyone talked to him about it but his respond was "I'll be okay, once I get all of my stuff from their house I'll never have to be around them ever again." 

Well Vance had some family members who were on his side but then he had some who kept going on and on how he needs to find a wife and marry- how living with a bunch of other guys is wrong and he shouldn't do that- one even asked him how his future wife would feel about it.

His respond "Well I'm gay so I don't see me having a wife in my future also I'm dating one of my male friends so I think he'll be fine with it."

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