Untitled Part 9

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Daxton was making some costumes for one of the plays at school.

It was a extra credit project he was doing before winter break.

Also he was helping with the costumes.

Jess was in the play- he was playing a prince.

Which bothered some white students because he's bisexual and a Blasian.

His character had to kiss a princess- the girl playing her was beautiful but not his type.

He likes Julie- he hasn't told him yet.

Feelings are hard.

But after the Hanukah thing.

Those two told each other their feelings.

A month later.

Tristian was doing some project for his cooking class.

He had to make food inspired by media to show technic and how creative someone can be.

He chose food inspire by Studio Ghibli's films.

He was in the cooking room with his classmates all working on their cooking projects.

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