Untitled Part 93

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"I got asked to be someone third by a client's girlfriend or wife I don't know nor did I want to know today is just a weird and horrible day. "Said Eden.

"All that sucks maybe what happened at my job might make you smile." Said Kora.

Kora told him how he got to pet a dog today and he showed him the photo of the dog

That made Eden happy since the dog was nice.


Tristian dealing with Vivi.

She's two now and she looks so much like him- she has a mixture of her parent skin tones and she's already tall for her age.

She acts just like Daxton- he has habits just as humming random songs when he bored, sleeping on his side, he hates hotdogs and so does she, and also he loves peaches and so does she.

She was helping him with something art related for work.


Deshawn was telling Kian about the rocks he was working on at work.

Deshawn loves his job but sometimes at work he has to hide who he is so he will be taken seriously also so he won't lose funding or a bunch of other stuff at his job.

He's open to some people but not all of them do to safety concern.

He hates this so much he also has to deal with being a black man in the geoscience field. 

Kian understands but can't relate- basically the only other people in this friend group who can relate are Eden and Braiden since they work in jobs involving teach and science.

Meanwhile Kian and Jess work in the art field- Kian is a graphic and digital art while Jess works in costuming, set design and he also is a theater actor- they are around non straight and non cis people a lot.

Jess likes working in places with people like him because it's safer that way.


The next day.

One of Deshawn's coworkers who doesn't know he's bisexual or even married(it's a safety thing but he has no desire to be unfaithful), said to him that they want to set him up with someone.

"Sorry but I'm seeing someone." Said Deshawn.

Well Kian came to the job because Deshawn promised him a while ago that he would show him around his job.

Kian happened to wear a outfit that could only be described as spooky punk lgbtqia coolness.

His outfit was a dark red flannel, a pride shirt he created himself, some jeans and boots, a nose ring, nude lip, dark eyeshadow, his nail were painted rainbow colors and he had a beanie on.

He would be here all day so his dad said he would pick up Micah and Kason from school.

This was good because he didn't have to change his outfit to please the judgmental parents.

Kian's outfit looked different then the button up shirts, blouses, skirts and nice jeans of the scientist who work there.

Deshawn didn't tell him what to wear.

"Sorry but I'm sure you don't belong here ."Said Peyton.

"My friend wanted to show me around at his job. "Said Kian.

Kian hated having to call his husband his friend- yes they are friends but that's not the point.

Since Deshawn moved to a different building stuff like this was normal.

Only one coworker here knows he's bisexual and married.

"Hello Kian. "Said Deshawn.

"Hello. "Said Kian.

"Let me show you around. "Said Deshawn.

"How do you know this creature. "Said Peyton.

"He's one of my roommates." Said Deshawn.

While they were looking around .

Peyton followed them.

Peyton kept commenting about the girl he knows who's single.

Deshawn wasn't paying attention.

He kept saying it sounds loud enough like he wanted Kian to hear it.

Kian got annoyed and said "I don't think he's interested. "

"Why do you care. "Said Peyton.

Then Peyton got a good look at Kian.

"Why aren't you a scientist I thought you know. "Said Peyton.

Kian is Korean and people assume Asian people are doctors or scientist.

(I added this because it's real I don't like adding this stuff to stories.)

Kian knows at least one doctor who's Asian personality it's one of his cousins, meanwhile Julie is a nurse as for scientist well his younger brother Riley's boyfriend Akihito is a scientist but in the social science field since it's a lot safer for him that way.

"I'm not into science I'm a digital and graphic artist. "Said Kian.

"So you're a loser. "Said Peyton.

"Excuse  me. "Said Kian.

Deshawn couldn't take this anymore.

"Leave my friend alone. "Said Deshawn alone.

"I'll go. "Said Kian.

Deshawn didn't like this.

At work he has to be closeted which he hates and now his husband is being bullied by some scrawny white guy who looks like he couldn't float in water.

"I'm bisexual and this is my husband, don't you dare say this crap to him ."Said Deshawn.

Today wasn't fun but seeing Peyton quit was fun since he was disliked by everyone for being a bully.

Cinnamon and SpikesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora