Untitled Part 40.

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Three months later.

Tori Rami Kealoha is here- he was born two months ago.

Tori looks just like Kora but has Eden's nose and mouth shape.

Tori was being fed.

The wedding was in six more months, Eden and Kora had a lot more stuff to plan.

They had saved up for this ahead of time.

Kora was lucky that his mother agree to have the restaurant serve some food here, he already paid her, she doesn't have to make any food since she's a important guest.

Kora already had his outfit- instead of the normal pant and shirt outfit most Indian guys wears to weddings he's wearing a red and gold lehenga.

He already had the outfit before he got engaged- Eden's never seen it.

Eden is wearing white since it's part of his culture to do so- he's wearing a white floral suit with a green maile lei and some slip on shoes because dress shoes are boring.

Kora reason for wearing a lehenga- he wanted something different also his Indian culture is important to him yes he's half Japanese but still.

A lehenga is two piece outfit- the top is usually cropped and the bottom half of the outfit is a long high waisted skirt called a lehenga or Ghagra.

Kora going to have traditional Indian hair accessories and makeup on.

He also has dupatta on it's a scarf like veil that matched his outfit.

He's even wearing one of those big nose rings-he usually wears a small one.

Indian girls usually get their noses pierced but all of his siblings have nose rings.

The food at the wedding- Indian, vegan, Hawaiian and Japanese.

No elephants because that's too much.

The flowers on Eden's suit are red.

He also planned on wearing a wide brim hat because he tends to wear one, the hat will be black.

The music will be punk, eighties, nineties, Indian, Hawaiian, Japanese rock and Japanese pop.

 They have saved for this even before they got engaged.

They talked about weddings again around the time Eden got his abortion and started saving then.

Kora already made a wedding playlist.

He and Eden had made a bunch of stuff for the wedding to save more money.

The wedding colors are red, white and gold.

Kora also has been couponing a few things so he could save money for supplies.

The cake will be Lemon with cherry butter cream icing.

 Kora was writing some stuff down while Eden was feeding Torie.

Kora had his laptop and was at his desk writing stuff down.

Kora name isn't Japanese well kind of - in Japanese his name mean Maiden and it's spelled with a C.

His the only one of his siblings without a Japanese first name.

Kora was going to get a Henna tattoo done for the wedding.

He was going with his mother and his sister Tami.

They wanted to spend the day with him- watching Asian dramas, getting Hennas and getting lunch.

He needed that- he's been working a lot and this also was a early wedding gift.

He's apart of a union- he was the one who started it.

When he told his friends about it, Julie was so happy for him.

Julie is pro unions.

He already started one at his job and they had meetings every Friday.

Anyway Eden meet up with some former friends of his because their old high school was doing for former students.

They haven't seen him since graduation.

"Are you still with Marcie. "Said Francis.

"No I'm with a guy named Kora, I'm very happy were getting married in a six months. "Said Eden.

"Wow. "Said Cecily.

He showed them a photo of Kora and Torie.

"This is my family. "Said Eden.

Instead of being happy for him they were upset.

"Dude you had a kid really. "Said Nino.

"Yeah what's wrong with that. "Said Eden.

"You don't care how Marcie feels about this. "Said Francis.

"She cheated on me and her friends made me feel horrible. "Said Eden.

"You should of just forgave her. "Said Nino.

"Why so she could hurt me again. "Said Eden.

"That does makes sense why be with someone who hurt you. "Said Cecily .

"But he cheated on her. "Said Francis.

"No I did not, she cheated on me, then flirted with two of my friends then flirted with my now fiancé, she didn't care about me. "Said Eden.

 "Eden is right, my ex did the same thing, only he tried to flirt with my sister, my cousin and all of my college's female soccer team ."Said Cecily.

"Marcie is still my friend Eden should get back wit her. "Said Francis.

"All I said was forgive her I never said he should get back with her. "Said Nino.

"This is why we didn't keep in touch ."Said Eden.

Eden left he didn't want to be around them.

Cecily at least understood his side.

Eden told Kora about what happened.

"You did the right thing. "Said Kora.

Eden went to their room to work on something for his job.


"What's with all the corn husk ."Said Kian.

"I'm teaching Tris how to make tamales the traditional way. "Said Vance.

"They don't seem so hard. "Said Tris.

Vance laughed.

"That what I said, then I ended up crying because it took hours to make them from scratch. "Said Vance.

"Who taught you, was it your mother. "Said Kian, not being mean he just assumed.

"God no one she never wanted me to learn to cook, two she was a decent cook but she couldn't make tamales or any Mexican foods to save her life she refused to learn, my abuela taught me because she didn't want me to end up like my older brother José, a redneck who can't cook , she tried teaching him but it ended in Abuela having to have a beer and my Abuelo cursing my mom for marrying a white demon " . Said Vance.

"White demon ? "Said Kian.

"That what they call my dad well that the cleanest and nicest thing they called him. "Said Vance.

Vance got all the supplies he needs.

It took maybe four hours to make them perfect.

Tris didn't end up crying.

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