Untitled Part 12

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Jess's family finding out he has Autism.

Some were supportive, some were confused ,some wanted him to mask like his life depended on it, some blamed his friends and some refused to believe it.

The one who blamed his friends was Hawk, he also wanted him to mask.

Jess ended up straight up telling him "I have been masking my whole life because I didn't want to seem weird around everyone, you bullied me my whole childhood, you and people like you are why I was scared of every getting diagnosis because people like you treat me like I'm stupid and I'm sick of it, leave me the f*ck alone you self centered prick. "

That's the most words Jess has ever said in one sitting but he was sick of Hawk bullying him.

He starting panicking a bit because he didn't know what would happen next.

Hawk tried saying something but couldn't because he wasn't use to Jess standing up for himself.

Jess felt so good about it.

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