Untitled Part 53

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Anyway Well Julie and Jess told Mrs. Garcia that they were planning on adopting a kid.

They don't need to get married but being parents is something they both always want.

Well they looked up surrogates but meeting up a lot of them weren't right because a lot of them didn't treat Jess like a guy in his twenties. something Autistic adults deal with because people assume you'll grow out of it.

Adoption places too- it felt hopeless until finally.

There was a woman willing to work with them.

She was Asian and didn't want kids which angered her parents as they were a old school couple.

They found out who Julie and Jess were and tried to get dirt on them but nothing.

Jess being Autistic didn't work because the woman didn't care.

All they and their roommates are got asked a bunch of question by one of the people at the adoption agency to make sure this kid was going to a good and safe home.

Julie and Jess were happy once they arrived at the hospital.

Gabriella Mei Garcia Jiang was born.

The woman who gave birth to her was Southeast Asian but the guy who knocked her up was black.

There was a reason why they chose that woman- they didn't want to adopt a white kid because racism is strong in the world and someone might assume they stole a white kid from it's parents.

Also adopting a kid who's half Southeast was a lot easier for them but if they adopted a different kid they would still love that child regardless of it's race.

Gabby was sleeping once she was about to go home.

Her room was galaxy themed because well floral would be too gendered based.

Time jump to a few months later.

Once she had all of her shots- she was allowed around outside people.

She met her grandparents on both sides and all of her aunts and uncles.

Being parents was a new challenge for Julie and Jess but they got the hang of it.

Right now they would with their friends at some food truck thing for the restaurant Tristian works at.

Julie and Jess made sure that their outfits matched Gabby's color wise so that if homophobia accusing them of kidnapping her they can just say well we all match.

Julie and Jess also had to deal with stuff that Eden and Kora deal with as gay parents.

Such as being in a public place with your kid and getting dirty looks because you're a parent who's lgbtqia.

Julie also gets hate for being fem guy.

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