Untitled Part 13

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All of the friends were joining Julie for one of his Gsa meetings.

(I never been to one of these since my school never had one so I'll try my best.)

They all said their sexualities and talked about topics that were important to their sexualities, their community and ways they can fix this.

Vance was enjoying this because he was closeted for so long he thought he would never get to be openly gay, hell he also never thought he would have a boyfriend but he has one.

Braiden and Vance aren't boyfriends yet but they will be.

Today was a serious one because one of their members got kicked out for being gay.

That made Vance's upset because his parents disowned him for being gay and made Tris feel both graceful for his upbringing but also sad because- one of his dads doesn't talk to his own parents because he's gay, two of Tristian's brothers have been around that side and it was a mess.

There was crying and some smiling when that person who got kicked out ended up moving in with someone from the club.

The topic of moving in made all of the guys think that maybe after college they should move in together- eight guys which means a six bedroom would work also the only person still in school will be Julie since he's a med student.

Well the Christian club had a issue with this club and it was a whole thing.

Well some of those dude bro homophobic Christian started harassing gay and trans students.

What they didn't account for is that some of those students can fight back and some of those students have body that look like theirs buff wise.

Also in the friend group that person most likely to fight someone is Eden.

Eden is five ft eight and will fight if he has too.

Also Julie knows self defense- he's a fem gay Jewish Asian guy that alone is a reason why he had to defense himself. 


The leader of the Christian club got expelled when he posted some hateful towards a gay Jewish student- that student's parents help out in the community and threaten to sue the school if something wasn't done.

Never mess with lgbtqia people-they will fight, they are resilient and if you knock one done well a bunch more will rise up.

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