Untitled Part 98

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Time Jump for Christmas.

Everyone got ready for Christmas.

Everything was going well.

Early everyone celebrated Hanukkah.

Julie made sure everything was perfect.


Kian was shopping for gifts and had his kids with him.

There was some "Remember the reason for the season. " people there trying to get people to buy stuff from some Jesus centered store.

Kian walked past them.

Someone asked wouldn't he like to buy something from here.

"Sorry but I don't know anyone who collects Jesus stuff. "Said Kian.

Misha asked a question- he signed "What kind of store is this papa."

Someone say this and asked what he was doing.

"He's nonverbal." Said Kian .

Someone said God could fix that.

"There you going with your god can fix this . "Said Kian.

Kian hates when people find out his kid is Autistic and nonverbal and their first instinct is to say God will fix it.

 There's isn't a cure to Autistic- because it doesn't have nor need one.

He and his sons got the hell out of that part of the mall.


Eden mentioned something very South he heard about at work from a coworker and he needed to make sure it was true thing.

He asked Vance about it but didn't say the word.

"Just because I'm from Virginia doesn't meant I know what that thing is. "Said Vance.

Eden told them what the thing was.

"Yeah I know what that thing is. "Said Vance.

 Anytime Vance's friends have a question about southern things that are universally southern they are asked about it to see if it's real.


Julie was out getting something when someone said Merry Christmas to him.

His respond was Happy Holidays.

They got angry at him and said "Merry Christmas."

He said Happy Holidays.

They got so mad at him and said "You're suppose to say Merry Christmas."

Julie decided to ask why knowing the reason already.

"Why. "Said Julie.

He got mad at Julie for not saying it.

He went on a rant about liberals and gay people- because Julie had ankle snow boots on and tights and his bag had a rainbow flag on it.

He assumed Julie was trans because a lot of people assume a buff guy in a dress is a trans woman because of the right wing media, there have been times were Julie got hurt because someone assumed his gender do to right wing media, it just made him wish the world would treat trans people better and leave people alone.

"I'm not trans or a liberal, Right Winger sure loves assuming those things . "Said Julie.

That guy looked like he wanted to hit him.

Julie went back to what he was doing but this person kept bothering him.

This white guy who's vibes read as Male Karen was the one bothering him.

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