Untitled Part 60

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This is a I didn't have any ideas for this chapter, chapter.

Someone told Vance that he was faking being trans for attention and that life wasn't that hard for them.

"My parents fought so much during my childhood that my grandparents thought about getting custody but what stopped them was my dad threaten to leave in the middle of the night with us his place was to drive to Texas and not telling anyone where we were because he hated my grandparents because they were Latino and Indigenous. "Said Vance.

"So. "

"I got beat anytime my sister put makeup on me or if I didn't act 'straight' enough for my parents, I was force to go to those church dances and if I didn't dance with at least one girl I got slapped by my mother in the car until her handprint was on my face, I could show you the photos of me with my self harm scars but that might make you uncomfortable . "Said Vance

Then Vance said "I couldn't be myself around my former friends because I could of gotten killed, a lot of my former friends not only knew how to use a gun, but they owned one, so did my dad, I could of gotten shot by my own dad if I was myself so don't tell me I'm faking or doing stuff for attention when I grew up around racist rich white trash people and the only good people in my life were my grandparents, the few non hateful family members and the three siblings I still talk to."

Vance hated having to justify their life just because people assume Nonbinary people don't exist.

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