Untitled Part 39.

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Kora's cousin was visiting and asked if he winter to hang out.

"I have work in the morning also Eden has a doctor appointment." Said Kora.

"Can't you just miss that stuff. "Said Shriram.

"No I can't. "Said Kora.

"You should be enjoying your life, getting drunk, partying, hooking up with ladies. "Said Shriram.

"Sorry but none of that sounds fun also I'm engaged to someone I love. "Said Kora.

"And cutting coupons is fun according to you,  you know that's woman's work. "Said Shriram

"Cutting coupons is a fun genderless activity also there's no such thing as woman work. " Said Kora.

"Why can't Eden do it he is the woman in your relationship. "Said Shriram.

"My relationship is between two guys there's no women in it, I want you to leave now . "Said Kora.

"What's this. "Said Shriram pointing to a box in the kitchen

"It's a box of supplies me and my friends Julie and Tristian were going to take to a shelter. "Said Kora.

Shriram has met Kora's friends so he knew what Julie looked like.

"What do you do for fun ."Said Shriram.

"Dnd, couponing, we went to the bingo center that Tristian and Daxton had their reception at, I won a toaster and Tristian won two year supply of Corn flakes also comic con is fun. "Said Kora.

"You're such a nerd. "Said Shriram.

"Sorry but I don't care for nightclubs or getting drunk also the last time I went to a club someone got me a mocktail that had raspberries in it and I ended up in the ER. "Said Kora.

"Lame. "Said Shriram.

"Bingo night was fun once Julie won a year supply of those hospital socks, we donated the socks and cereal but kept the toaster since our toaster wasn't working right, sorry but my life isn't a party all night kind of life, sometimes we make cake, mocktails and play dnd . "Said Kora.

"You're so boring . "Said Shriram.

"Rather be boring than sexist like you you're still the sexism guy you've always been. "Said Kora.

Eden got up and walked into the room.

"Hey. "Said Eden.

Shriram rolled his eyes at Eden.

"Did I do something wrong." Said Eden.

"No my cousin is just rude. "Said Kora.

Eden went to go get himself some food.

"I can get that for you. "Said Kora.

"Thanks ."Said Eden.

Kora told Shriram to leave which he did.

Eden told him what he did today.

Eden got some work done- he helping out with some teach related stuff that doesn't require him to leave the house.

He should be resting but he can't afford it.

Jess arrived home from his job-he helps out at a theatre making costumes.

He had his noise cancelling headphones on this device that he uses to talk to people when he nonverbal.

He has been nonverbal for a week after a stressed fill week dealing with a theatre actor who kept screaming at him anytime he stims- his stims are hitting his leg and clapping his hands.

They called him a hateful name and he became nonverbal for the week and used his device.

This week was stressful but the actor got replaced when someone found them putting laxatives in someone's food.

 Jess waved as he went to his and Julie's room.

Julie was still at work.

Meanwhile Deshawn had one year of more grad school- he wanted to do a extra year.

He was studying while Kian was helping him with it.


Tris was working on some ideas for menus items since his job wanted more dessert stuff.

He was eating blueberry pocky and had some blueberry lemonade while he was tying up ideas.

Daxton was sewing something.


Vance was taking photos for a night wedding.

Braiden was helping out at a lab cleaning it and making sure it wasn't a big old mess.

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