Untitled Part 21

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Vance told his friends what happened.

Braiden kept asking him if he was okay.

"I have a headache. "Said Vance.

Julie got him some stuff for his headache.


Daxton asked Tristian if he was okay.

"Yeah it was kind of scary those, we could of gotten hurt. "Said Tristian.

"Well you guys are okay that's what matters, also if you were hurt I might end up fighting someone in your honor. "Said Daxton.

Daxton doesn't fight, he is able to and would win but he doesn't want to fight anyone.

Daxton showed Tristian some stuff he created.

Daxton has a job working at a waiter at a café but he also makes stuff to sell online to make more money.

Daxton's dream job is making clothes for weddings, fantasy thing etc.

Daxton makes jewelry, pins/buttons, patches and clothing patterns to sell online to make extra money for bills and stuff.

He makes them while working on schoolwork.

Jess and Julie also has been making stuff to sell- Jess had made these beaded pride keychains while Julie has made flower crowns, he thinks that look cool.

Julie has been making them since he was little- there's a photo of him on his sixth birthday. wearing a flower crown and floral overall eating cake.

Tristian has thought about making recipe cards for recipes he has made.

He this thing where it's pan pancake- three pancakes that were in the pan flag colors.

He also make a cake one where it was rainbow theme- he made it for his friend who was coming out- it has flowers and each layer had candy on the side that was the color of the layer.

He also one made ramen inspired by a anime once.

He decide making pride themed recipe cards would be cool- he's made pride themed food before.

He made the cards.

When Tristian graduated high school, one of his aunts got him a laminated machine.

He didn't know what he would do with this and now he's using it.

He wrote down the recipes using colorful pens he owns.

First one he worked on was a milkshake he made once for a lesbian friend during the week of pride the year after their freshman year of high school.

The second card had a bisexual milkshake.

He made ones of food and drinks.

On the back it said TYM's pride meals and drinks.

He started selling them with Daxton's stuff he was making.

They both had the idea to make little pride care packages.

Like for a lesbian's pride one- little sword earrings, a belt chain that painted to look like the flag, some pins and two recipes cards.

Julie added in a flower crown and Jess added one of his keychains and a necklace he made.

The four of them were working together on this as way to make money.

Everyone has a job but extra income is important, this is legal.

Also the spring comic con was coming up which Daxton had plan on going to- he already made his costume- it was a costume he made for a school project- this gothic elf costume, he had to get more stuff to add.

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