Untitled Part 7.

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Eighth grade.

"Mom and dad I'm gay. "Said Daxton.

His parents hugged him and told he they support him.

It was wonderful.

How he came out to everyone else.

He wore a shirt that said "I'm gay" on it.

His sisters were supportive and so were his grandparents.

Some family members weren't supportive at all.

End of flashback.

When Christmas morning arrived.

Everyone was opening gifts after breakfast.

The little kids kept wanting to show their grandfathers and great grandparents what they got for Christmas.


Daxton opened a gift from Tris- the gift was a book on fantasy fashion history.

 As for Tris the gift Daxton got him was a sweater he made himself.

They both loved their gifts.

A few weeks later.

They were at the hospital with their friends because Kian had to have surgery to have a organ removed that almost ruptured  .

"We got snacks from the vending machine. "Said Tris.

They all eat their snacks well all but Kian, he couldn't eat solid food after his surgery.

A month later February.

Kian was turning nineteen.

They had one of those cakes you get at a supermarket.

Most of his gifts his friend got him were homemade gifts or non costly.

Kian's not a fancy person.

March rolls around and it's Daxton's birthday but two days after his birthday is Tristian's but then Deshawn's birthday .

Daxton and Tris celebrate their birthday together

Neither mind celebrating together since well it's cute.

April happened and more friends' birthdays to celebrate-Braiden and Eden.

May was Vance's birthday

June happened and it was Kora's birthday- he's the youngest in the friend group while Kian is the oldest in the friend group.

They all promised to stay friends.

Next year .

Tristian and Daxton were roommates again.

Their new roommates were Julie and Jess.

"Hi I'm Julie. "Said Julie.

Julietta Kairo Garcia-Filipino American, he's Jewish, gay, cis ,Asian, a med student, he's creative as hell and loves helping people, his mother loved the name Julietta so much that she gave it to her son, Julie also dresses like he came from a flower field- cottagecore fem guy with a buff body- he has one younger sister, one older sister and one older brother.

Their other roommate Jess.

Jessy Andre Jiang- Blasian, he's tall, kind of smart, he's bisexual, he's a theatre major majoring in musical theater and costume design also he loves Asian soap operas and bl dramas also he dresses like someone out of a eighties colorful music video, he has three brothers, he's not skinny but a little thick-he could count as big boy.

Those two got added to the friend group when Jess and Kora bonded over Asian soap operas and Julie and Kian bonded over art.

The friend group was sitting down doing homework someone handled him a pamphlet to a join a Christian club.

They school does have a GSA club that is free to join- Julie is a member of the club- the other guys haven't join but still help out when needed.

This pamphlet just screamed homophobia.

It even has a straight marriage thing on it.

Risk outing yourself or staying question.

Well not these bold boys.

"We're the wrong guys for you to ask to join your club. "Said Daxton.

"This is true. "Said Tristian.

"I would agree. "Said Vance.

"Also I'm Jewish if I step one floor in your club I might catch on fire granted I don't believe in hell. "Said Julie who was wear a Star of David necklace.

He doesn't wear a Yarmulke unless he's at a wedding or at temple.

Josiah hissed at them before leaving.

"That was weird. " Said Deshawn.

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