Untitled Part 58

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Flashback chapter about Vance and them realize that he's nonbinary(he uses he/they.) I wasn't planning on making Vance's character trans but a video I watched not only inspired me to do so but also the fact that I don't have any nonbinary oc characters also was another reason. 

Growing up Vance wanted to please their parents.

He wasn't good at sports so they felt like he was failing his parents.

As a kid being called a boy didn't bother them but it did feel weird.

It wasn't until he was that they realize "oh I'm nonbinary."

Vance dressed mas and presented mas because that how he was raised to be.

Their parents wanted all of all the kids to be as conforming as possible.

Vance never got to experiment with clothes or even gender.

Once Victoria put makeup on Vance once because they asked her too.

Not only did Vance get beat for doing this but so did Victoria.

Her makeup was taken away from her by her mother and both kids were grounded.

Vance got told that boys don't wear makeup and that he would go hell if they wore makeup.

It wasn't until Vance met Julie that changed a lot of.

Vance has seem Amab people wear makeup before or a dress but seeing someone like Julie who was unapologizing himself and comfortable about it too made Vance realize that it's okay to wear makeup and dresses also it made Vance realize "I'm not a boy."

 When Vance was at a wedding for a family member.

There was a lot of hate comments directed at Vance.

Vance was told "Why can't you be a boy." "Why can't you be like José." etc

Vance never wanted to be like their older brother.

José was a loud mouth Latino version of a redneck who wanted his wife to do everything despite her being pregnant, he only ever yelled at his daughter, if he yelled at his son it was because he did something unmanly he would say thing like "Do you want to be like your uncle Vance living in a house filled with freaks."

Vance found this out and did confront José.

"I heard what you said about me, my friends aren't freaks if anything they act more like family to me than you do, you're my own brother but my whole life you made me feel I didn't belong, my whole childhood I tried to be straight and cis, hung out with guys who were cis and straight despite how hateful and racist they were because I feared that if I was myself I would be killed." Said Vance

"Why can't you be normal." Said José.

"Why can't you stop being like dad. "Said Vance.

"I'm nothing like dad." Said José.

"You sure act like him for started making your wife do everything when you're fully capable of doing stuff on your own, yelling at your kids for every mistake they make, yelling at your son for wanting to wear makeup, calling your kids stupid, hell the only thing you don't have in common with him is the racism and choppy beard." Said Vance.

"Life for me was hard growing up. "Said José.

"That may be true but for me it's a nightmare, I'm a mixed nonbinary gay person who's Latino my life is always is in dangerous. "Said Vance.

 But nothing changed.

Vance has had to deal with transmedical people who told them "You need surgery to be trans or you're not trans."


Yet when Vance was about maybe sixteen he ended up in a hospital after trying to self harm.

It's something they never talked about."

The first time Braiden saw Vance's self harm scars he was so worried.

Vance is a lot better now but that pain will never fully go away, the scars healed and faded but the pain sometimes is still there.

Vance never got to be himself around their family-Hank and Marla didn't make life easy and weren't good remodels.

Hank was a bully and Marla allowed it because she was also a bully and wanted attention from a white man despite always fighting with said white man.

Even when he saying crap about Vance being gay not only did she do nothing about it she joined in on it.

Vance's pain is slowly going away the more they stopped being around the transphobic and homophobic family members also the racist ones.

Vance feels a lot better but still has moments- no depression but a lot of self doubt and other issues.

Vance also found out that José and Mirabella have gotten a divorce and the kids live with her and her family.

End of flashback.

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