Untitled Part 77

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A new school year was coming up for the children.

Tori is eleven he's a tween now and his parents have to get use to it.

Gabby is seven.

Micah and Kason are six, Micah is still nonverbal.

Mornings are usually everyone up for work.


Eden and Kora went to go back to school shopping with Tori.

This is dreadful because homophobic parents with their comments.

But for Jess and Julie it was worst since they had a daughter and someone always says "where is her mother."

She's in that stage in her life where the not like the other girl stage hasn't tried to attack her yet so she can be girly without fear.

Jess remembers when he mentioned he had a daughter, one of his coworkers said "Why not adopt a son at least you don't have to deal with a lot of crying and feelings, also raising a boy is easy."

Jess respond was "I have three older brothers, we were all emotional because our parents raised us to not be toxic, one of my cousins is a menace who's parents allowed him to get away with literally damaging my friend's locker but treated their other kids like they were his servants so raising a boy isn't easier than raising a girl. " 

Julie usually gets the "she's a human not a little doll you can dress up."

His respond is "I'm usually the one saying this to other people, my daughter likes being girly it's her choice to be girly just like it was my choice to never wears suits."

Julie has never wore a suit ever.

After this Julie had work.

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