Untitled Part 26

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Later on they went home.

Julie when in the other room to make more flower crowns.

Julie just got fired from his job last month because a customer had a issue with his painted nails and long hair also that he had makeup on.

But he recently got a job working at restaurant as one of their host.

This place is inclusive, pays their workers a decent living wage, hired a equal amount of workers of different genders, isn't racist and has gender neutral bathrooms - this was important to Julie when he went to look for a new job.

Julie was making flower crowns and other stuff to sell to make more money.

Julie's dream is to be a nurse to help people.

He's a med student who wants to work at one of those clinics that help low income and disabled people so they can have health care.

He wishes health care was free but until then he's going to make sure any patient he deals with is comfortable and gets the care they need.

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