Untitled Part 96

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Jess was packing a suitcase.

He and Julie were going to his brother's house.


Eden was also packing.

They didn't know what going on just to come over.

So they did.

Using one car was good since the six of them can just in there.

When they arrived there.

Everyone went to go get ready for Dinner.

Royce didn't know what was going on he just thought it was just a regular dinner until Kip asked him to marry him.

Everyone was happy about it.

Yes the couple has only been together for two years but they want this.

Also Kip's ex never wanted to get married or have kids yet he lead Kip into believing it.

Kip's ex broke up with him in a long text message even using Kip's real name-Kade when he did so being with someone who not only loves him but also think of his son as his own is lovely.

Noel hasn't seen his "other dad" since the day he was born.

Declan never wanted him.

Now he's with some Thai guy in Vega while Kip is busy raising a twelve year old.

 But Kip has Royce who would never hurt him or cheat on him.

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