Untitled Part 22

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Just a heads up this chapter talks about Autism, mutism, lgbtqia stuff and hate, I'm straight and Autistic but I wanted to talk about lgbtqia stuff because of a video I watched-I will try my best to be respectful and caring with these topics- Fan.

Back to the story. 

Jess was getting snacks when someone went up to him saying he should dress like a black character.

His respond was "This character isn't white either also I'm mixed. " then he walked away.

He didn't get stressed out and handled it well.

He saw Julie getting a poster.

Jess wants to ask Julie to be his boyfriend.

They have went out a few times and he thinks Julie is very handsome also Julie is one of the first people in his life other than his parents and siblings to not think he's weird.

"Julie can I ask you something. "Said Jess.

"Sure. "Said Julie.

Jess has selective mutism because as a kid he didn't have many friends, he got picked on for what would later be Autism,.

Selective Mutism and Autism aren't connected but someone can have both he has both.

He's gotten better with it now and it now comes about when he's stressed out or in situation that causes a lot anxiety.(I had to look up Selective Mutism because earlier I wrote it in and didn't do it right sorry.) 

Jess got nervous and went mute because this was very stressful.

Julie calmed him down and they saw somewhere to talk.

"What was it that you wanted to ask me. " Julie signed

"Would you like to be my boyfriend, I think you're very handsome. " Jess signed.

"Yes you're awesome too. "signed Julie.

The thing is Jess is very smart but in moments like this other people assume he's dumb or childish because of this- his friends don't treat him like that, they treat him like a human with feelings who's smart and funny/caring and being around people who understand him and are patient with him is a big help on his social anxiety.

Before Jess met his friends, he would of never moved in with a bunch of people or gone to comic con or anime con, he would of liked to do that stuff but his anxiety wouldn't of made that possible.

While at the con.

Tw someone said something negative about Julie's costume.

Calling him hateful names for dressing as a female character while he's a buff guy.

Transphobic words would said at him.

Julie was use to this- he's a cis gay guy who's been dresses fem his whole life.

He also knows people who get called this crap on the daily.

He has friends he went to school with who are trans and nonbinary who dealt with this their whole lives, one of his cousins has dealt with this their whole life as someone nonbinary.

Julie is a member of his college's gsc and was a member of his high school's gsc, he was one of the students who helped get that club started.

Lgbtqia rights is a big important thing for Julie, it's been a big important thing for him his whole life, his parents have been supporters of it for a long time.

All of his siblings are allies- hell some of them are apart of the community or have friends or partners who are apart of it.

This topic is also important to Tristian as a bisexual man raised by two gay men.

(if I wrote his sexuality as pan sorry I thought I wrote it as pan but no he's bisexual.)

Tristian has straight brothers and non straight brothers.

He has a aroace older brother who's grow up feeling like he was broken because he didn't get crushes or want sex like other people he knew did.

Tristian himself has been hate crime- a Christian classmate at his high school threatened him with violence if he went to his high school prom all because Tristian was dating a guy.

He once got beat up because he has two dads.

People use to say they felt bad for him because he didn't have a mom.

Tristian never felt upset that he didn't have a mom-if he needed a motherly person in his life, he has his grandmother.

Anytime there was a issue in school, people wanted to his mother and got angry when he told them he didn't have a mom, hell when people would tell him to have his mother sign stuff.

"I don't have a mom ."Said Tristian.

They assumed she died.

"I have two dads. "Said Tristian.

They got angry and assumed he was lying.

Tristian felt like crap because of this but since he has met his friends and Daxton he felt better.

He has people in his life who not only care about him but have his back when it's needed.

Life has gotten better for him and he's happy about that.

Sorry if this chapter is long and has sad parts, my books aren't super escapism like because I don't want people to forget that crap happens in the world but I also want them to be hopeful.

I mainly write romantic because hopeless romantic but these stories have gay people who have friends, partners and people who care about them.

They get to live lives of romance rather than tragicality.

You won't see a HIV plot in my book because stories like those usually end in thing called bury your gay trope-I don't want that in my books.

Bad stuff does happen to people in my books but also a lot of good stuff happens.

I'm just a straight cis woman wanting to write stuff that other people won't or haven't yet thought of.

Thank you.

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