Untitled Part 20

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Tristian was walking from one of his classes.

Vance and Kian were with him at the time.

When some guys walked up towards Vance.

"This is who you'll friends with now. "Said Brant.

"Yeah gotta problem with it. "Said Vance who now had a accent.

"Why would you stop being friends with us for those. "Said Seward.

"Don't even finish that sentence you leather headed snake face. "Said Vance.

 "What will your future wife think." Said Britton .

"I'm gay and I have a boyfriend. . "Said Vance.

"I see you hanging out with that.

"Don't even finish that sentence also how freaking dare ya'll say that you know how much I don't like that, I wondered why I was friends with ya'll anyway. "Said Vance.

 "It's unnatural. "Said Seward.

"Dude your brother married your first cousin in a camo themed wedding with a cake shaped like a beer and your wedding was a shotgun wedding near a dirty old creek while your wife wore a cutout denim and camo wedding dress with muddy old flip flops and you were shirtless in a camo vest, John deer tractors hat ,jorts, a mullet and muddy old cowboy boos and  the week after graduation, yet you call me being with a guy unnatural. "Said Vance.

"Don't you dare talk about Sherly or my wedding. "Said Seward.

"You mean the wedding where your dad drunkenly sung Toby Keith's songs, your mom started drunkenly dancing to Shania Twain and Kid rock songs, your brother got in a fight with his cousin wife, your other brother was downing moonshine, your pregnant sister was drinking pabst blue ribbons like her life depended on it, your other brother was making out with your other cousin and your aunt in the belly shirt and jorts calling me a illegal or your uncle calling me a slur because he minute he found out I was half Latino. "Said Vance.

"I said stop. "Said Seward.

"I'm not done, also at that wedding your mee-maw was asking me if I speak English or if I was the hired help, oh and the food, such meals like hotdog sushi, trailer park cigarette cake, fired raccoon with eggs, deep fired deer covered in mayonnaise and finally funyuns 'nachos' which was a borderline hate crime to my Mexican culture I told my Abuela about it and she started cursing your name . "Said Vance.

Seward pushed him.

Vance pushed back-he's from Virginia, pretending to be straight and okay with his former redneck friends' behavior is how he survived- he didn't like it hell he called them out a lot for their racist, he even stopped being friends with some of them, he never said or did racist hateful things- his mother might of been a horrible homophobic but she didn't like racism which funny since her husband is racist- also looking straight and cis passing is how Vance survived.

He stopped being friends with those guys because he didn't want to be around people who one weren't comfortable gay people and two would hate crime his friends.

Sorry but the guys he lives with are his friends, they accepted him and made him feel wanted in this world. they are his family.


Well those guys got into trouble and well no amount of saying they didn't anything was enough to save them because people saw this go down.

Those guys got expelled for trying to fight Vance and two of his friends.

They wanted to fight back but were met with a lot of angry people-Marching band, theater kids, gsc club members, some of the cheerleaders, some football players, some science majors among other because well Britton and his friends were causing issues at this school and everyone was tired of it.

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