Untitled Part 43

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Time jump to a year later.

This week was a helping out week.

Julie was getting dressed- he's going to a mutual aid thing, he's one of the nurses invited to this, it's his tenth time going to one this year.

Tris and Braiden were helping with one of those food pantries, they were making food while Daxton was helping them carry all the stuff- he has a truck and he's strong.


Deshawn was going to a park clean up with some of his fellow Geologists and Environment scientist, they were cleaning up trash and pulling up invasive specie plants but also planting flowers, he likes nature, during high school he acted like he didn't to fit in with his new friends but since then he's not scared to say he likes gardening and science.


Vance was helping at with the food pantry because he's strong- he played the tuba from first grade to his senior year of college, he had to carry that heavy thing so he's a strong guy.  

Kian was helping out with some art thing- basically it's artist make stickers and stuff to put on poles and stuff to show important topics that need to be talk about.

He knows he could get into trouble but he has to do this.

As for Eden and Kora they want to help out but they have a kid but Eden did help out with some tech related stuff.

Jess was helping Julie, he was helping him carry med stuff to people despite how strong Julie is, he still wants Jess to help because he loves him.

At the food pantry.

They were also building some.

Daxton has tool- he spend a parts of his childhood building scenes and props for cosplay.

Well Vance went to go get a tool out of the truck and some random person thought he was illegal because his outfit was jean shorts, a shirt, a baseball cap, a jacket and sneakers.

Also his shirt had the Mexican flag on also he got a tanner today.

They thought he was doing yardwork .

"Go bad to your crap hole country. "Said some racist.

Vance looked sad but this is what happens when he out in the sun a lot.

He gets tanner which other causes people to be rude to him or people asking him where the nearest Italian restaurant is .

But then he thought of something.

"Go back to your Klan's meeting dude. "Said Vance.

They didn't expect him to one speak English and two have a respond back.

They flipped him off and left.

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