Untitled Part 38

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Someone had a issue with Daxton's book.

Saying why does it have to be about two guys.

"Because the characters are inspired by me and my husband dnd characters. "Said Daxton.

"Why does his character have two dads. "

"Because my husband has two dads. " Said Daxton.

Daxton also had to deal with people assuming he's a straight white girl until they met him.

He's been working on his book since before the wedding.

So people assumed he was straight until he told them his inspired.

"The two main characters are inspired by me and my husband."

Some people didn't believe him until they met Tris.

He had to made the books himself- he had some help from one of his friends using their printer and a graphic art thing Kian had.

He only had about ten books to sell.

He wanted to write this book because reading is one of his passions.

Also he's never seen a book like this before.

Making clothes is his dream, writing is just a side project.

Anytime he had free time he would work on it.

He also asked Tris to help because Tris is important to him.

His book is inclusive.

Well one person complained about the buff guy in a dress asking what that was about.

"One of my friends is a buff guy who likes wearing dresses, he's the healer in our dnd campaign because he's a nurse, one of my friends is disabled so his character has this magic thing that allows him to talk when he can't speak." Said Daxton.

The book is inspired by a dnd campaign they had to celebrating passing all of their final senior exams back in college.

The book is called Ember Pond.

A year later.

Eden was pregnant.

Eden was sitting folding clothes in the nursery.

He and Kora talked about wanting to be parents for a while.

They also were planning a wedding.

Eden ended up proposing on Kora's birthday, it was beautiful- he told Kora's parents and siblings his plans.

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