Untitled Part 71

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The News reported that Misha was safe with his parents and mentioned how his parents found him safe.


Misha was home.

He's starting therapy tomorrow.

How his parents found one.

"I go to a online one for my meds. "Said Jess.

Jess got on some meds to help him focus.

"There's a therapist in the area I sometimes go to, I had to go to another one I was even allowed to get my gender changed this one is different one I found one at social service building . "Said Vance.

Also Kason and Misha were going to a different school.

Misha has a IEP at this school.

But this school wasn't as good as the other one because one teacher kept saying that Kason and Misha should be in a special ed classroom.

When talking to said the teacher who suggested this she assumed the twins had a mother until she saw their two dads also the special ed teacher told her that neither boy should be in her class that they don't qualify to be in her classroom since she works with kids who need more help than Misha and Kason.

"Misha is disable but he can handle being around nondisabled kids also Kason isn't even disable. "Said Deshawn.

"We have friends who have nondisabled kids and the twins get along well them, we don't want our kids in special ed classes. "Said Kian.

"But they will benefit from it."

"You say that but all I see if another way to other them from their peers." Said Kian.

"I have done my research and having them in those classes would prevent them from being able to relate to their peers also the chances of bullying increase also the fact that kids in those classes sometimes don't learn stuff that their peers are learning which could put them far behind other kids, also babying is a thing that Misha already deals with mixed with people telling us to just beat him. "Said Deshawn.

Then Deshawn said "We have gone places in public and when he's having a distress episode we had people telling us to just smack him when he acts like this or beat him that's makes us so uncomfortable that totally strangers think that what they are saying it's okay. "

"One of our friends has Autism even those he didn't get tested until he was in college he still knows first hand how painful it is to hear people say that you should be beat for being in distress. "Said Kian.

This teacher wasn't listening neither was this one male teacher at the school who suggested that Misha be sent to a hospital this same teacher supported the idea of ultra screening that detected Autism so that people be more like to abortion a fetus that has it but this teacher is also a pro birther.

So removing the kids from this school was the next thing Kian and Deshawn did.

They ended up sending the kids to the same school that Gabby and Tori go to.

It was a lot closer also it was closer to Deshawn's job so he can take the kids to and from school.

Also Julie and Jess both said they could drive the twins to school when they drive Gabby if that is ever needed.

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