Untitled Part 92

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Eden was watching something on tv and someone made a film about Hawaii but it was the most racist, white centered crap he's ever seen about his homeland.

Eden was angry but when he lived there as a kid, it was fun but also sad.

Sad because white people visiting treated his homeland like a trash dump or a playground.

He also dealt with non Hawaiian kids who weren't from there who thought they knew more about Hawaii then he and the other native born and raised Hawaiians did.

This movie ruin his day well his day was already ruined when he had a IT thing he had to do.

His job doesn't have standard IT people so some of the people who work there who are skilled in that topic will do IT stuff.

His day was filled with a smell house and a racist client- which is sadly normal for him but wasn't normal was when the guy's wife or girlfriend said they needed a third- he's heard of women being asked this but this was the first time he was asked this.

His respond was "One I'm married, two I'm not cheating on my husband and three you guys are nasty. "

The only good thing that happened today was  his lunch was good and he found twenty dollars in his car.

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