Untitled Part 46.

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Vance did have to deal with hate outside of their family.

He were out somewhere wearing some of their new clothes- a cropped shirt, a hoodie. some jeans, a hip bag, and ankle boots 

They were getting some camera stuff, also they were going to get their pronoun and gender changed on important papers- Vance has been saving for this for two whole years.

Someone made a comment about them.

"Why are gay men so weird, you're a man dress like it."

Vance had a choice- misgendered themselves or be out and deal with hate.

Well Vance had a pronoun pin on their mini backpack so they kind of were outing themselves.

"I'm nonbinary I'm not a man. "Said Vance.

They ran to get what they needed and paid for their stuff and left.

They had to more errands to run before he went for the gender and pronoun change.

The errands included, paying for their phone bill, buying a new broom, also they were getting some hair care stuff because they needed to wash their hair.

Vance's hair has been growing- he use to have short hair for the same reason they were in the closet for so long- his parents.

They went to use the bathroom.

There wasn't a gender neutral one so he used the men's room.

Being trans in a bathroom is scary.

Julie's not even trans but he avoid all public bathrooms because a guy tried to fight him and well he almost broke a heel on one of his boots trying to defend himself.

Also Eden and Daxton barely use the bathroom for body reasons.

Vance went to wash their hands and go on his way.

After all the important papers were signed and changed.

Vance was now legally nonbinary and he/they on all important papers.

The bathroom thing happened again while out with his friends.

Vance was wearing one of the most fem presenting outfits they owned.

A long skirt, ankle boots and a blouse.

Lucky for him, Julie had some old shoes that could fit them.

Food shopping- Going to the store together for this is a group thing since there's a lot of stuff to get today.

Vance had to use the bathroom but the only gender neutral bathroom was in a clothing store next door.

This was scary.

Vance went go use it and went back into the supermarket.

They went to go get something when someone stared at them.

"Can I help you. "Said Vance.

"Are you a boy or a girl. "

"Neither." Said Vance didn't care they just wanted to get a box of honey nut Cheetos cereal and be on his way.

That person kept staring at him and bothering them .

They wouldn't leave Vance alone.

"I'm trying to get my f*cking cereal please just leave me alone. "Said Vance.

Vance got their cereal and left.

That person followed him though out the store.

Vance went to get other stuff and was followed.

They met up with their friends and got followed.

"I think someone is following me. "Said Vance.

"I have a idea. "Said Kora.

Eden was somewhere else in the store.

He had Tori with him.

He was informed about what happen.

Vance found Eden and well that person who was following them stopped the minute they saw Tori and heard Eden go " I hope no one is following us, that might cause trauma for Tori my son."

The person stopped following Vance after that.

 Vance has never been followed in a store unless it was in the South.

"I just let them know I don't have anything ."Said Deshawn.

"Same. "Said Jess and Braiden- they are mixed but are dark skin and mid dark respectfully.

"I have thought about carrying a whistle ."Said Julie who has been followed for wearing a dress.

Vance had to go to therapy which was fine they went to therapy online before they got their name and gender changed on important.

Well Vance had to go to Virginia for a family thing.

He didn't want to but Braiden talked them into it.

So Vance also was able to still work- they could work online by making photo and video albums for clients.

Going to Virginia was scary.

The last time Vance was here was when they finished high school.

Vance and Braiden met up with Victoria, her partner Heide, Remi and Logan.

Logan brought his boyfriend with him and Remi brought her girlfriend Marion with her.

Basically the lgbtqia siblings and their partners arriving.

They could of gone to a hotel but the minute Vera and Ricardo found out that their grandchildren were coming and would be bringing guest well they say they could come over.

(Their meaning a group of people.)  

"My grandchildren have returned. "Said Vera.

Vera offered the six adults food before even putting their stuff away even those they wanted to rest first.

"Your Abuela seems nice. "Said Braiden.

"She is as long as you're not my dad, a racist or that woman at church who tried to ruin her enchiladas she made for Sunday mass, Sister Emilia almost got a chancla to the face granted my yaya once got in a fight at church over parking  . "Said Vance.

"This is true. "Said Remi.

"Granted it wasn't as bad as when our Tio throw a chicken leg at someone for talking when soccer was on. "Said Logan.

"Dad almost got a black eye that day. "Said Victoria.

"He shouldn't of called Abuela cooking bad. "Said Vance.

(I'm not Greek or Spanish idk about the Spanish part so I'll try my best to write good old ladies.) 

After putting all of the stuff away.

Ricardo wanted a photo of everyone.

Once everyone ate dinner.

Everyone went to bed since it was getting late.

Vance didn't know what tomorrow would bring but they're hopeful granted he might have be around their dad which isn't fun.

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