Untitled Part 66....

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The main character of Rose and Spikes.

He's a artist- graphic art is his field.

So this is about art and the skill of art.

Can they draw.

Kian- yes.

Deshawn- nope, he sucks at it.

Tristian- yes.

Daxton- yes, he loves to draw.

Eden- yes but he's not like the best at it.

Kora- yes.

Braiden- he's a decent artist.

Vance-yes but only out of spite against their parents who can't draw at all and hated anytime one of the kids drew something that was well drawn.

Jess-yes he's very good at it.

Julie- yes he's great at it.

What is their creative skill.(They as in the friend group not they as in Vance.)

Kian- free hand drawing, graphic design, digital art, and pottery also he can sing and is a decent dancer also he can make cake art.

Deshawn-he can sing but that's it but he does get creative with rocks and soil samples.

Tristian- cooking, drawing and singing also he use to paint middle figurines as a kid also he knows how write Japanese words using a calligraphy brush.

Daxton- writing, drawing, sewing, knitting, embroidery, making books, painting, pottery and singing, he's the second most creative guy after Kian since Kian works in a art field, he wants to learn wood working next and calligraphy also he's decent at baking.

Eden- singing, dancing, playing the ukulele and playing the guitar, he's a tech guy not a artist he just looks like a artist.

Kora- playing the guitar, playing the sitar, singing and dancing- he's the music guy of the friend group also he can cook.

Braiden- cooking and singing.

Vance- playing the tuba, dancing, drawing and photography- they take photos for weddings.

Jess- theatre, singing and sewing also bead work.

Julie- sewing, making jewelry, making flower crowns, knitting, painting, drawing, cooking, baking, singing and dancing also he can play the guitar and piano.

Who the worst at art- Deshawn.

The best- Kian, Daxton and Julie.

Can any of them play a instrument 

Kian- he tried to learn the piano as a kid.

Deshawn- no he sucks at it.

Tristian- he tried to learn the guitar and well he was okay but not decent.

Daxton- he did try to learn how to play the lute and was decent at it but got made fun for it so he stopped- his reasoning for learning was because his dnd character is a elf bard also he thought it was cool- he may look like he was popular in high school but he wasn't popular.

Eden- yes he plays two instruments.

Kora- yes he plays two instruments but he's self taught.

Braiden- no.

Vance- yes the tuba, it annoyed his parents, their parents called him a nerd for being a tuba player instead of a football player- Vance sucks at sports but is amazing on the tuba.

Jess- yes the drums but he hasn't played since his freshman year of college.

Julie-guitar and piano, he wanted to make sure his parents never had to pay for his college ever.

Favorite color.



Tristian- orange.

Daxton- Green.

Eden-Neon Orange.

Kora- Jewel tone blue.

Vance- purple and grey.

Braiden- dark blue.



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