Untitled Part 105

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After both wedding parties went back home.

A month later was the wedding.

There were so many photos taken.

The wedding was lovely and the couple was happy.

Later on everyone went to their hotel rooms.

There was so many people at that wedding but Jess was okay he took his meds and he felt better.

It was a funny wedding.

Anyway when everyone went back home.

The roommates asked about the wedding.

It was fun was the respond they all got.

It was lovely was another respond.

Jess likes doing stuff that seems scary because sometimes it can be rewarding also if he does this stuff he might get invited to do other stuff.

Some Autistic people don't like being around a lot of people.

Jess can only handle a large group of people in certain settings.

Anime cons and some concerts.

But being in the forest when Misha went missing was freaking him out on the inside because Jess doesn't like being in nature for too long because he will stim because of all the sounds and crap also once on a field trip, someone almost fell down a rocky hill in the forest once when his high school science class were on a nature walk during their field trip and it scared so many people for like months because that water had a lot of stuff in it that if it got near your face you might die or get sick- like bugs that could eat your brains.

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