Untitled Part 11

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Tristian went to his dorm and saw Jess was doing something.

His leg kept bouncing as he was writing something like he didn't realize it was happening.

His leg does that sometimes.

He also sometimes waves his hands and sometimes wears headphones if it gets too loud despite his love of loud music.

Tristian tried to ask what was wrong with his leg but Jess didn't say anything.

He signed a little

"This is normal, also I have selective mutism when I'm very stress. "Signed Jess

Tristian was confused.

Jess wrote it down.

"I have selective mutism today was stressful and this happens when I'm stressful out to the point that I can't talk. "Said Jess.

Jess also sometimes showed signs of Autistic- the stimming, how he doesn't understand some social cues, how he hyperfixations on stuff, how he won't eat some foods do to their texture and why he sometimes wears headphones.  

Then Tristian thought about something he wanted to ask Jess.

He wrote it down.

"Jess do you have Autism. -Tristian.

"I don't know why"- Jess.

"Maybe you should try to get tested. "-Tristian.

"People will think I'm weird."-Jess.

"It's better to know than to worry about someone's rude opinions. "-Tristian.

Jess was able to get a test since he's still on his parents health insurance.

Jess got a autism diagnosis and it came back that he's Autistic.

He had to wait a whole month to get his diagnosis but once he got it he felt this weight lifted off of him.

Fan here- I was kind of on the fence if I wanted to make Jess autistic.

One you have to make them just right, not top perfect but not too flaw filled.

Two-Autistic people aren't all the same- some people can mask really well, some can't, some need a lot of help and some don't, some wear headphones, some don't, some only sometimes, some are verbal, some aren't, some have selective mutism, some don't talk until they are older, some never talk, some knew how to sign, some don't, some have stimming things and some don't need them, also selective mutism isn't a sign of Autistic but sometimes people with Autism have it.

Three- no two Autistic characters are alike-also not all Autistic people are skinny cis straight white guys who like science.

Four- when talking to Autistic people don't do a baby voice, talk to them like you would a non Autistic person, you might need to change a few things but over all no baby voice- we hate it.

Five- I'm Autistic myself- I might not relate to other Autistic people but I'm still Autistic it's a spectrum after all- that why I don't usually write Autistic characters because I can't relate to some stuff. 

Six- the typical Autistic symbol everyone has seen on tee shirts and stuff- is outdated and we don't like it- the rainbow infinity sign is the one we like to use.

Back to the story.

No one treated Jess different- Julie already knew sign language and the rest of guys plan on learning it so that's awesome.

"I thought you guys would think I'm weird. " Said Jess.

"We're the wrong kind of people to think something is weird. "Said Kian.

"We're all misfits dude but that what makes us awesome. "Said Eden.

No one in this group is what society defines as "normal" and they like it that way.

They are like a misfit family and they love it.

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