Untitled Part 68

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Dinner was good those.

A week later Vance's face healed and cleared up.

"I'm never working for people like that again. "Said Vance.

"They seem rude. "Said Braiden.

"They were, so many guest assumed I didn't speak English and I just wanted to leave but I run on spite. "Said Vance

Vance finally got paid.

The amount wasn't the agreed amount of money.

Vance wasn't happy.

"I hate that couple. "Said Vance.

Vance looked like they wanted to scream.

"I have a pillow you can use. "Said Daxton.

Vance screamed into the pillow.

"Why are people like this. "Said Vance.

"Couples getting married are sometimes like that, I know me and Tristian weren't like that, granted our wedding cost about sixteen hundred dollars but I have worked with some people and well some of them make me want to scream in my car. "Said Daxton.

The next day everyone went to work.

Julie was at work when he had to give some vaccines to a baby.

The parents refused to give their baby a vaccine.

"Why. "Said Julie.

"They might get Autism. "

Julie looked at them like he wanted to scream.

"Autism is something you're born with you can't get it from a vaccine that ableist. "Said Julie.

"We don't want them to be stupid. "

Julie was ready to scream.

"Autistic people aren't stupid, I can't do this. "Said Julie.

Julie called in another nurse to come.

He told the nurse "I'm not working with someone who's both a anti vaxxer and ableist, my partner is Autistic I'm not going to sit here and listen to someone talk crap about something he was born with because they called people like him stupid."

(I'm Autistic and well Anti vaxxers do talk like that couple trust me I watch the subreddit videos about it.).

When he left the room.

"Why aren't you going to help us. "

"Someone important to me has Autism and you basically insulted him, the new nurse is friendly and willing to work with you she's a mom so she knows how to deal with babies."

The nurse working with them was a people person who's good at fixing stuff, also she's a mom who's use to talking things over.

Julie is also a parent but he wasn't willing to deal with people who insult something Jess was born with.

Julie went to help another patient.

When he got home.

"I had to switch patients today because the parents were anti vaxxers and ableist. "Said Julie.

"Good but I hope you didn't get into trouble ."Said Jess

"The new nurse was good at dealing with people like that so it all went well. "Said Julie.

Julie got a call to come back to work.

He went to work and a patient was in there- a pregnant twenty one year who got pregnant by her boyfriend but neither wanted kids.

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