Untitled Part 62

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The next morning 

Julie had work.

He dropped Gabby off at his parents' house.

He ate breakfast earlier- Maple brown cereal with some strawberries in it, some homemade strawberry milk and some toast with homemade jam- he learned how to make homemade jam a while ago, the strawberries are from the garden.

Learning to grow your own fruit and veggies is another way to save money.

Saving money is important since no one in this house is rich-this house use to be a frat house so it wasn't a mansion just a house that got abandoned and put up on the market because the owners were too loud and anytime someone tried to buy it they were ran out by the neighbors.

Those neighbors still try to do the same with Julie and his friends but it never works.

 The minute one of the neighbors found out about Tori and then found out about Gabby it was all over from there.

Anyway Julie went to work and was working with patients.

Jess texted him during his lunch break saying he was going to pick Gabby from Julie's parents after rehearsal. 

"Thanks babe see you when I get home love you."

Julie went to eat his lunch- a sandwich with homemade Strawberry jam and some honey, a small homemade salad, a tiny homemade cake and some homemade juice.

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