Untitled Part 70

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Something happened.(yes this chapter would be better in the other book but I don't want to rewrite this chapter and if I copy and paste it I might accidently delete it.)

Time jump to a year later

Tw(Tw for the last chapter.)

Misha went missing.

He and Kason were in preschool this year and well Misha went missing no one could find him.

He went into the woods to get a rubber ball that some kid named Jonah purposely threw in the woods and told him to go get it knowing that Micah doesn't talk- he uses sign language to commutation.

Misha looked scared and knew he wasn't suppose to do that but this kid kept picking on him and getting mad at any kid who wanted to go with him.

Kason was asked what happened.

"He went into the trees to get the ball . "Said Kason.

Kason didn't go after him because when he tried to Jonas pushed him and told him that Micah could go on his own.

When asked why.

"Jonas told him to he was being mean to Micah and wouldn't let anyone help. "Said Kason.

Jonas admitted to it and said "I don't like Misha and he's a sinner. my mommy said kids like him go to hell."

Which scared the teacher and freaked her out that a four year old would do that.

She did call Jonas's parents but they didn't care but they still came.

His parents were a typical white evangelist loud mouth couple, the kind that scream at football games and put flyer for their church on your front car widow.

When Kason's parents were told what happened.

They both left work and made it there.

They said they rather look for him themselves and how it was a lot safer.

The polices weren't involved when the teacher release all the crap that could happen if she did get the police involved,.

They also told their friends what happened.

"Anything we can do help we will. "Said Tristian on the phone.

Kian and Deshawn went to go look for Micah.

Some of their friends with them to go find Micah when they arrived there.

The story did make the news those- the teacher reported it and told the news anchor that the parents didn't want the cops in involved do to safety issues and because the other kid's parents looked like they would cause problems.

"Four year old Misha Greene went missing in the woods when he was at daycare after going to look for two a kid purpose throw in there and wanted him to go get, Misha has Autism and is nonverbal, his dads just want him to home safe and if anyone found him or knows where he is contact the new station, as of now his parents are looking for him hoping to find him."


So while in the woods.

"I found something. "Said Jess.

(Jess was there because he's autistic and he also had moments of being nonverbal not like Misha but still.)

Misha's light green hoodie was in the ground meaning he must of taken if off when he got scared.

"Oh no. "Said Deshawn having a look of panic on his face, the same facial expression that everyone else had.

Kian picked up the hoodie and looked at Deshawn.

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