Untitled Part 64

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Vance was taking photos for that rich and fancy wedding.

Everything was so fancy and costed a lot.

The couple both were millionaires and now Vance knows why Julie and Kora both say eat the rich, yeah Vance grew up mid upper class but even he would say eat the rich because they think this wedding is too much.

Every guest got a fancy crystal plate setting to take home.


That made Vance mad but what him even madder was when the bride's parents would make a mess and expect them to clean it and the parents' reasoning was "Well he's a Latino those people use to cleaning up after people, taking photos must be one of his many jobs you must o had to have someone translate for him."

Vance respond was "I'm a native English speaker and this is my only job I wasn't hired to clean at this wedding but I can find someone to clean this up for you."

Dealing with racist and misgendering of course.

Which he did.

This wedding was during the summer and Vance gets even darker during the summer- Vance has a slight darker tan than other half Greek/half Mexicans because they are also half Indigenous and spend a lot of time outside so he's naturally a little darker.  

The bride and groom were a white couple.

He's Irish American and she's Greek American.

When Vance went to go get some food because they were hungry.

The groom's parents wouldn't let him get any food.

The respond was "The hired help doesn't get to eat, you might steal some of this food for your million family members like the other illegals do."

Vance respond was "This sounds like something my dad would of said to my mom."

Then Vance left to at least get something to drink.

The same thing happened but with one of the groomsmen.

"You might take all of this and try to bath it in."

Vance respond was "I took a shower this morning at my house."

Vance hated this but as along as they didn't upset the bride, groom or wedding party then he can collect the money and go home.

When they got home.

"I hate Millionaires they all suck. "Said Vance.

Vance told what happened at the wedding.

"I better get paid or I'll be mad I worked hard this day and had to deal with misgendering, racism and people assuming I was also the hired help I deserve double paid for this crap. "Said Vance.

Vance told the bride and groom his pronouns- he/they but still he got misgendered it was the worst.

(I'm trying to hard to work on not misgendering people.)

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