Untitled Part 28

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A month later.

There was this thing at a the college the med students against the drama/theater majors kids in this thing to see who gets more funding for their major .

Julie didn't want to do this but it was required or he'll fail.

He hated this because Jess is a theater major.

Jess is his boyfriend and his best friend.

Also Jess didn't like this either.

(I'm not a theater kid btw also I wanted to paint a picture as to the kind of people Jess deals with in his major, I used pop culture stuff, in this world Disney kind of exist but isn't the media giant it is in rea life.)

Some of his classmates in his major can be rude also some will say the everyone's a little Autistic and he wants to slap them.

Instead of the neurodivergent lgbtqia theater kids he wish were in his major, he got the entitled ones the media talks about- like a bunch of entitled people running around thinking they'll be on Broadway one day, then you have the the Disney Adults who think their rendition of Let it go sounds like the original it doesn't, you have the theater kids who think they're Sharpay Evans getting upset when someone else gets the lead, you have the few lgbtqia theater kids who look like the white stereotypical theater kid, you have the people who watched Hamilton to the point that they are out here thinking they can just rap every song/line and then you have the people who watched Heathers the musical and movie so much who act like they're other Heather Chandler or Vernonia Sawyers and finally you have the they think theater is easy ones.

There's only a few students in his major that he gets along with who are similar to him.


For Julie-Med major has- kids of immigrants who want to please their parents, people who picked this major after watching Medical drama shows, the women love a doctor dude bros, the they didn't pick this major their parents picked it for them students, the think they're better than anyone else students and the wants to make a different even those they won't get a thank you.

Julie wants to be a nurse to help low income families.

If he changes his mind and wants to be a doctor he's still going to help low income families.

Julie's a nursing major in the med field- he's only three boys in his major and he's the only fem looking one.

In the nursing major there's different type of people that Julie is around.

He also has to deal with people asking him why nursing and why does he want to help low income, simple- they need medical care too, a lot of black and brown people in low income areas offer don't get medical care or get the wrong kind of care, he wants to fix that.

Well anyway.

The medical students tried to kiss up so they could get more funding.

Julie didn't do that.

The person who came up with this idea got fired when it was revealed that they were one lying about a shorten of funds and two using the funds for private use.

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