Untitled Part 80

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Julie found out that in fact he and Jess can get married.

He told Jess that and Jess signed "That's wonderful but I hope I don't lose any benefits."

"You might but not many." Julie signed.

They didn't want to get married now.

"Would you mind it if we used my last name I know some people already see you as the girl in the relationship despite us being two guys. "Jess signed.

"I'm fine with using your last name, even those I hate when people assume I'm the girl in our gay relationship." Julie signed.

People have assumed Julie was a girl for likes years.

As a small kid people assumed he was a girl and then got angry at his parents when they found out he was boy saying "Well stop dressing him as a girl then."

He got mistaken for a buff lesbian once at pride back in high school.

Then you have the transphobic comments who assume he's a transwoman because some right winger new station told them that transwomen look like him- that was when he was buff but now he's skinnier.

He went from a buff one hundred eighty pound man to a one hundred and fifty pound male do to many reasons mainly sewing clothes but also because he was tired of those comments because it made him feel upset that people assume transwomen were men in dresses because some hateful person told them so.

He knew transwomen back in college who dealt with crap all the time and it upset him.

Transphobia makes him both sad and angry.

When people mix ableist into it well this just makes his blood boil.

"Tatay and Baba. "Said Gabby.

She could see they were signing.

She didn't bothered them.

They looked at her.

She mentioned dinner.

They got to make dinner.

Everyone eats and it good.

Julie goes to work the next day.

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