Untitled Part 95

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Time jump to next year.

Tristian was mailing a card to a friend of his parents- she was the surrogate his parents used, also she one of his parents best friends.

He was sending her a card because her birthday was coming up.

She attended his and Daxton's wedding and said it was a lovely wedding.

Sometimes he has been ask if he thinks of Wendi(I forget the name I used.)as his mother.

His respond is "No she's not my mother, I don't have a mother, I have two dads."

He hates the whole she's your real mother comments people say to people who were born from surrogacy because she's not his mother just like the donor people use isn't their kid's parent.

People say this stuff to him because they can't wrap their heads around him having two dads.

Hells people can't wrap their head around him and Daxton having a kid.

Tristian has had to deal with people who say he and Daxton can't replace the need to have mom for a girl.

Tristian also hates when people say mean or misogynies stuff to his daughter when she's gets bullied

He hates the whole when a boy is being mean to a girl it means he likes the girl.

Tristian is bisexual and was never like that to any girl he liked.

None of his friends or siblings who are attractive to girls acted this way around girls.

Daxton hates this too.

He hates how when people find out he gave birth to his daughter they assume he's lying and it hurts him so much.

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