Untitled Part 107

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The next day Daxton was at work when someone said said getting hit down there hurt more then giving birth.

Daxton is out at work- everyone knows he had a baby a while ago, since he was  on paternity league around that time and a lot of people are supportive, this guy is new but he knows about the baby thing.

Daxton rolled his eyes- "I have gone though both and labor hurts more, you think getting hit down there hurt, try having to push out another human for hours and get back to me on which one hurts more. "

All of the people there who have gone through labor mentioned how painful it is.

It was painful but he would go through it again maybe.

Daxton life has been filled with both love and heartache.

His old high school was having something for former students.

He doesn't know if he wants to go, he didn't go to any of his high school reunions because high school was hell and also the whole rumor about him killing himself after high school that his former friends made up about him hurt him so much that he didn't want to deal with them.

People assume since he played football in high school that he was popular and high school was a fun time for him, he was never popular and high school wasn't fun at all.

He eat lunch alone a lot, he was in fear of going to school back then.

He was never suicidal but sometimes he wished he was a different person.

Dnd and fantasy novels/shows/films were comfort for him because he wished he could just escape to the dnd worlds he came up with or to the fantasy worlds he wrote about in high school- granted a lot of the fantasy worlds in those shows and films did bother him with how racist and homophobic/transpobic they were so he would avoid films and shows like that- that why he never liked Lotr or HP.

Ember Pond if that book existed when he was younger it would helped a lot- that's one reason why he wrote it so that people can see characters like themselves and feel less alone.

He stopped writing the book as it was just one book and there was only ten copies of it.

He's still thinking about that school thing when he gets home.

He didn't tell Tristian about it yet hell Tristian doesn't even know about the rumors.

When he finally tells him.

"That's horrible, I know how high school can be given someone threaten me and my prom date, but you should go don't let them have that control over you, you have a lot to be proud of, you have a great job, wonderful friends, a awesome kid and you're married to one of the most handsome people ever also you wrote a book that got published. "Said Tristian .

This is true.

So when they go to the thing.

You assume oh once you get older all that high school drama is over well Daxton assumed it until he arrived there and someone asked what he name was and once he said it, their respond was "Sorry but Daxton Pham died of suicide after graduation ."

"I know about that rumor, I know who came up with it, I know who spread that rumor, because it's just a rumor. "Said Daxton.

Daxton had male friends because some of the girls at his school didn't like him because he was gay but the same males he use to be friends with made up rumors about him, bullied him, sided with bullies and made his life a living hell.

Daxton even showed a photo from his high school graduation and one from his college graduation.

When he ran into some old former friends, they were shocked to see him.

"We thought you died. " Said Kirk.

"Well you were the ones who started those rumors. "Said Daxton.

 They tried to act like they didn't but Daxton knew they were lying.

"All I have to say is you guys hurt me back then I'm older now and gotten over it but it still hurt a lot. "Said Daxton.

Instead of feeling sorry they just made fun of him some more.

"So I grown up and you guys stayed immature. "Said Daxton.

Tristian saw what was going on and went to see what was up.

"Who's this guy. "Said Roman.

"Tristian Pham, I'm his husband, I know who you guys are so you don't need to introduce yourself. "Said Tristian.

Tristian didn't care, so many times in life did he had to accept people being cruel to him just because of the fear that his dads would get blamed for his behavior.

But he won't let anyone be cruel to the man he loves.

Daxton doesn't like to get into conflict because he's a gentle giant who doesn't like fighting people.

Most of Daxton's bullies were white, his old friend group had other Asian people in it, even had some other people of color in it the ones he's talking to now are white those but they all turned on him once everyone started treating him like crap.

Daxton is Vietnamese American, some of those bullies the white ones and some of the pocs ones were racist to him sometimes, the Asian ones would tell him he's not real Asian man because of stuff he had no control over, dealing with that crap from his own community will always hurt because he does deal with that crap everyday.

But he stopped caring about his old former friends and bullies specifically after high school, yes he mentions the bullying but he stopped caring about the people involved- they don't mean crap to him at the end of the day. he has real friends who care about him and won't turn on him like his old former "friends" did also he has Tristian who is one of the best people he's ever known and he's so glad he met this beautiful and caring person but not only that but he's glad that everyday he gets to be married to this person.

When someone wanted people to make speeches about Daxton so called suicided.

He raise his hand.

"I would love to make a speech about it. "Said Daxton.

"What's your name. "

"Daxton Pham I'm the guy you all assumed killed himself after graduation, the dnd playing jock you all said wasn't a real man." Said Daxton. 

Everyone was shocked about that.

So he got to speak.

"I know you all assumed I was dead, I'm not dead, but that's okay, I have a great life and ever since I made new friends and connections my life has been a lot better, I'm no longer bitter I still hate high school but I rather live in the present than the past, thank you." Said Daxton.

Daxton could of cussed them out or said hateful crap about them he had every right to but he chose not to, he rather just live in the present than the past.

When Daxton and Tristian left the that thing

Daxton felt a lot better.

He's never going to one of these things again but it felt good to set the record straight.

He doesn't want to be a bitter person to lives in the past he rather live in the present.

His bullies lives weren't horrible like most bullied kids expect but he didn't care about them.

All he cares about the life he has now.

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