Untitled Part 45

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Tris came home from work once and saw a note reminding him to eat something.

Daxton didn't want anything to happen to him.

A week later.

Daxton was out helping with a wedding.

He hired to work on a bride's dress, her reception dress, her bridesmaid's dresses, the groom's outfits and his groomsmen's outfits.

The wedding is fancy.

He was working with the wedding attire people at his job.

This wedding is also one that Vance's is taking photos of so they went together.

Everyone assumed they were a couple until they were corrected.

"No we're just roommates a bunch guys living together, I'm married to a guy and he's dating one of our roommates "Said Daxton.

They both got a plus one so Braiden and Tris went but were going to come later to help.

Vance was feeling weird this whole day.

He was so uncomfortable with himself.

He started screaming after the wedding was over.

Braiden looked at him and asked what was wrong.

"Would you still love me if I was nonbinary. "Said Vance.

"Yes I would wait are you. "Said Braiden.

"Yes. "Said Vance who felt like crying.

Braiden saw this.

"It's okay, I still love you, this is a lot to take in but you're still the same person you have always been. "Said Braiden

Vance kept his name, they like his name a lot.

The roommates got a text about it.

Every one of their friends were supportive- Julie is Jewish, his faith has like eight genders also he's fem also two of his friends are intersex, those two aren't trans but the bodies don't look like what the right wingers think men should look also in Eden's culture māhū exist- it's a someone who embodies man and woman spirts in Hawaiian culture, basically a lot of the guys have cultures where people like Vance exist- some are even Gods, leaders, teachers and healers.

Vance told their grandparents, his three siblings they talk to about this and his boss.

He/they is what Vance will use.

When a lot of people find out one of the roommates is trans- Julie is the one they assume because of right wing media.

"I'm nonbinary.  "Said Vance.

"I'm cis you bigot also the big bad guy in a dress that right wingers lead you to believe transwomen were doesn't exist. "Said Julie

Vance was growing out their hair something his planned on doing anyway.

When their two oldest siblings found out well his siblings were angry.

José texted Victoria asking what the hell happen to his brother.

Tw.- also I'm cis so I'll try my best.

"They are our sibling, just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it's not true." Said Victoria.

"I blame those freaks he lives with ."Said José.

"Those so called freaks have welcome our sibling, Vance is treated like family something they didn't get a lot of back home, dad made life unbearable and so did mom , when our parents weren't fighting, they were policing how we dressed, what songs we listen to, how we act and who we were, you and Bernadette have it so easy we don't . "Said Victoria.

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