Untitled Part 25

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Time Jump to July.

Julie was now twenty one since it's almost their senior year of college.

For his birthday they went to this café that was designed to look like a garden. 

Everyone had to dress somewhat nice but comfortable if they want to look like a forest creature he's fine with it.

Julie loves gardens and nature it's one of his favorite things next to Lgbtqia rights/topics

 The friends don't go out as much so they can save money.

Julie's outfit was a long peach colored dressed with white heels and a a green headband.

Everyone give Julie's his gifts- mainly stuff involving flowers, makeup, lgbtqia history and sharks.

He likes sharks.

Julie went to use the bathroom and saw some Male Karen tried to see what bathroom he was using.

Julie looked at them and rolled his eyes.

Julie is cis but because he dresses fem and has a buffer body he deals with people assuming he's the scary transwoman the media warns you about and that upsets him because he thinks of the many cis women who dress fem who dealt with transphobic and masculinization based on their race, how their bodies look and skin tone but he also thinks of dark skin people who gender isn't respected and that makes him angry also he thinks of the fact that people fetishize Asian women to a point that a lot of his Asian female friends who are butch/more mas leaning and treated different because they don't look like stereotype that white people created.

Julie can't turn this off and he won't because as long as all women are fetishized, black women are misgendered and transwomen are treated like crap even if they weren't he's still going to talk about it.

He's been a feminist since birth.

His parents taught him that no gender is above another and that racism is a disease that needs a cure- that cure is dismantling and disassembling the patriarchy and white supremacy in this country. 

That why Julie is the way he is.

This is one of the reasons why he learned sign language- he's fluent and American sign and Tagalong but he also been learning Chinese sign language since Jess is fluent in American and Chinese sign language.

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