Untitled Part 101

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Vance finished their work and went to go see what Andrea wanted.

Andrea was hungry and that made Vance feel bad that he didn't ask him what him what he wanted.

"I'm sorry buddy lets go make lunch. "Said Vance.

Vance was making lunch and finishing the photo album.

 Everyone else was at work or school.

Vance had the day off from work but was working on this photo album.


Jess was on his lunchbreak checking out the information for his brother's wedding.

He's apart of the wedding- he and his two brothers were.

Meanwhile Eden was also in the wedding- his brother asked him to be in it.

Jess asked Kip if he had to dye his hair back to black.

Kip respond was no it would look weird if you suddenly had black hair.

Jess has had blue hair since he was a freshman in high school.

His mother dyed it for him- she use to work in his aunt's beauty shop after she finished beauty school but later ended up getting a degree in business(I forgot to mention this also if she had a different job in the beginning lets just say she got it before she had her own shop.) 

She now owns her own shop which was her dream and she finally got to live her dream.

Sage helps out at the shop sometimes when it comes to wedding parties.

Kip helped with some of the building stuff needed.

Jess even helped with the artwork hanging in the building since he knows how to paint.

Jase only helped with lifting stuff.

As for their dad he helped with lifting and carrying stuff in while also helping his beautiful wife with some other stuff.

The shop is called Diamond beauty shop.

Jess was going to met up with his brothers and two of the other groomsmen later.

The colors were cold colors- light green, jewel tone blue and a pretty purple.

When Jess arrived there.

The other two groomsmen are- Kip's best friend Alex and the second one is Ming their cousin.

Meanwhile Royce has two of his female best friends as part of his wedding party.


Jess arrived there after changing his clothes at the house.

He was now in a button down shirt, some high waisted jeans, a jacket, some combat boots and a wide brim hat.

"Sorry I had to change I got paint on my clothes. "Said Jess.

Kip is the tallest of the Jiang brothers while Sage is the shortest.

They all have a darker skin tone than people assume people who are black and Chinese to have only because their father has a more tan skin tone then people assume Chinese people to have.

Jase is the straight brother.

As for the most colorfully dressed brother- it's a three way tie with Jess, Jase and Sage.

Kip dresses like a grungy lumberjack or the brawny towel paper guy if he was Black and Chinese.

Last Halloween he and some friends dressed up as mascots of brands that mascot isn't racist looking- he was the Brawny guy and one of his friends was the Mr. Clean guy if he was black.

People assume that Kip is the straight one because he dresses in a more mas fashion.

When people find out that Jess attracted to women as well as men and genderless people they are shocked because they assume he's gay.

Jess did once get asked why he was bisexual.

"I was born this way also my husband is very hot. "Said Jess.


They tried on suits.

Jess weights more than Sage and Jase.

Kip is buff so he kind of weights more than Jess.

Jess wears a large in clothes, he doesn't want to be skinny, the only time he was ever close to being skinny was in fourth grade it wasn't do to food or not playing sports, he was just a natural bigger person, granted someone once told him he should play football since he's so big, his respond was "I hate football and I suck at it."

He likes being the kind of person he is.

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